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Cell Phones : [ Nexus S from Google ]

Gingerbread Pre-installed

1 GHz Processor, 16GB of Internal Memory

Brilliant 4” Contour Display

Latest Google Mobile Apps

Android 2.3, Gingerbread

Gingerbread builds on some of the most popular Android features like multi-tasking and Wi-Fi hotspot and adds a refreshed user interface, an improved keyboard, near field communication (NFC) support, and more.

Cell Phones : [ Galaxy S® III Protective Cover +, White ] Galaxy S® III Protective Cover +, White

The Galaxy S III Protective Cover Plus case is a precision designed cell phone case that protects the device without sacrificing style. Galaxy cases also feature one of the sleekest android phone case designs, allowing for both function and fashion.

Cell Phones : [ Samsung Galaxy Reverb™ (Virgin Mobile) ]

Android™ 4.0, Ice Cream Sandwich For a Premium Performance

Cell Phones : [ Samsung Galaxy Rush™ (Boost Mobile) ]

Android™ 4.0, Ice Cream Sandwich, for easy access to everything Google

Cell Phones : [ Samsung Galaxy Axiom™ (U.S. Cellular) ]

Android™ 4.0, Ice Cream Sandwich and TouchWiz® Make for a Sweet Experience

Top 5 Technology Trends of 2013 – XDA Developer TV


The end of 2013 is here, and it has been an exciting year in the mobile device world. XDA Developer TV Producer Jordan combed through all the headlines, hardware releases, and device developments that happened this year and identified the Top Five Technology Trends for 2013.

Everything from expanded mobile OS offerings to great independant mobile device choices, the rapid expansion of wearable technology and Google Glass, and much more. So take a moment to check out today’s video and see the top 5 trends in the mobile industry this year. Let us know if we got it right or why we are dead wrong in the comments below!

Be sure to check out other great XDA Developer TV Videos

Check out Jordan’s YouTube Channel and Jordan’s Gaming YouTube Channel

Cell Phones : [ Galaxy Note™ II Protective Cover +, WHITE ] Galaxy Note™ II Protective Cover +, WHITE

“Free 5 pack of TecTiles with purchase (a $14.99 value) will be added to your order automatically”

The Galaxy Note II Protective Cover Plus case is a precision designed cell phone case that protects the device without sacrificing style. Galaxy cases also feature one of the sleekest android phone case designs, allowing for both function and fashion.

Also available in: Black , Pink

Communicate with Your Android Device without Cables with PushBullet


Smartphones have essentially become substitutes for full PCs in many situations. We use them to watch movies, listen to music, and even play games. Nevertheless, traditional computers are still very important, as browsing the Internet on the big screen with full Flash and Java support is still more convenient.

What to do when you find a funny image or application that is not available in the Play Store? Grabbing a USB cable and installing it via ADB is time consuming. You can’t also share links, lists, or addresses with just one click that way either. But now you can, thanks to XDA Forum Member guzba, who developed an application and browser extension to easily communicate with your Android devices.

PushBullet gives you the ability to do the aforementioned tasks really easy and without wires, so you can forget about the cables. You can also share things with friends and family, so nobody forgets to buy the milk. The PushBullet browser extensi0n works with Chrome and Firefox. All you need to do is to install the extension and connect it to your profile. The communication works two ways, so you can easily exchange some messages with your friends.

You can find more information aboout the project in the original thread.

Video Guide Shows You How to Make Your Own Launcher


Android development is not easy. There are a variety of APIs to manage, and compatibility issues make it even more complicated. Luckily, there are such places like XDA, where you can learn and share your knowledge with other members of the community. Showing how to make a simple launcher from scratch is a good opportunity to learn some more advanced stuff than simply flashing a ROM.

Frederick Barnard once said that a picture is worth a thousand words, and he was totally right. In the age of YouTube and other easily accessed social media outlets, sharing knowledge is very easy. XDA Senior Member powerpoint45 seems to agree, with a quote from tge famous English caricaturist and a series of videos to illustrate the process of launcher creation.

This video series is not a tutorial, so you need to know a bit about development before hopping into really advanced coding. To make an application, you need Eclipse or another tool able to compile an APK file. But with these seven videos, you will then understand what to do to make a perfect launcher. Perhaps, you will create the next Nova or Apex launcher.

The videos can be found in the original thread, so if you want to take a walk in a programmer’s shoes, head over there and get started. What do you think about this form of knowledge sharing. Do you prefer video guides to standard text guides? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

Cell Phones : [ Galaxy Nexus™ (Sprint) ]

  • Samsung Galaxy Nexus

  • Samsung Galaxy Nexus

  • Samsung Galaxy Nexus

Android™ 4.0, Ice Cream Sandwich for unlimited potential and more control

Cell Phones : [ Samsung Repp™ (Generic CDMA) Android Smartphone ]

Customize with Android™ 2.3, Gingerbread and a full range of Google™ services

Cell Phones : [ Samsung Transfix™ (Cricket) Android Smartphone ]

Android™ 2.3, Gingerbread + 800 MHz processor

Comprehensive Guide to Implementing RemoteController in Your App


The RemoteController class was introduced in the last version of Android, 4.4 KitKat. According to Google documentation, this class is used to control media playback, display and update media metadata and playback status, and is published by applications using the RemoteControlClient class. In plain English, this means that this class handles the behavior of media players.

It’s a new class used by Google, so it might be a bit problematic to understand how to use it. Luckily XDA Senior Member Dr.Alexander_Breen wrote a comprehensive guide, where he explains what should be done to successfully add this new function to your app. The guide is divided into five points to better understand the use of the new class. The final effect can be seen in a repository on Github, where Dr.Alexander_Breen pushed a sample of his code using this API.

You can find an answer to practically any question you may have in the original thread. This thread is oriented to experienced Android users / developers, so asking about adding this to PowerAmp is a bit pointless. Please keep that in mind, while you learn about the new RemoteController class. We wish you good luck in implementation this class into your personal projects.

Skate to Where the Puck Is Going

Businesses implementing Android apps can learn from what Web developers have done to handle browser variations, to handle the similar variations in Android OS versions. In this first post of a three-post series, we will examine what Web developers have done to simplify their development efforts and what the Android analogues are.

SQLCipher for Android, and You!

Full-disk encryption is fine as far as it goes, but it does not go quite as far as you might think in terms of defending your data. If you are considering encryption at the application level, in addition to the device level, SQLCipher for Android makes it easy for you to add AES-256 encryption to your local databases.

With a whirr of gears, and a whiff of code, the little robot trundled on...

Android-powered desktop robot that's open source? Sign me up!

Podcast June 19: Building Cloud-based Enterprise Mobile Applications

Join us on June 19th at 9am Pacific / 12pm Eastern for a lively conversation on mobile and cloud moderated by Peter van der Linden, Android Technology Evangelist at Motorola Mobility and with guest speakers

Enterprise Mobile Security - What is your #1 security issue?

When implementing an enterprise mobile strategy the #1 security issue is?

  • Doing a risk assessment

  • Securing data communication

  • Protecting data thru encryption

  • Android security

  • HTML5 security

Customize Your Notifications with Recurrent Notifications


Perhaps you’ve wondered why the Android OS doesn’t provide an option for you to customize your notifications. Having the ability to personalize the notifications of your installed applications would be beneficial. Because if you think about it, there really isn’t any way of knowing which notification you received, and whether it’s worth checking when you only have a 1 second ‘ting’ and an LED light that pulses every 10 seconds.

So to help out with that, XDA Recognized Developer bartito developed an app called Recurrent Notifications to do what Google could not. As you might have guessed, Recurrent Notifications allows you to tinker with (almost) every element of a notification. This includes the ringtone, vibration, LED color, and repetition interval.

Additionally, Pebble smartwatch owners can take advantage of a couple settings specific to the Pebble, such as toggling sounds and vibrations when the Pebble is connected, playing notifications on the Pebble, and limiting the number of notifications when connected to the Pebble. Furthermore, android-notifier users can even allow Recurrent Notifications to automatically send notifications received on your device straight to your computer.

Recurrent Notifications will no doubt be useful to many Android users because of the wealth of notification customization it allows. If you’ve wanted to tweak your notifications, check out the original thread to learn more.

Easy Add a Rating Popup to Your Application


Every app and game developer undoubtedly knows about importance of having a good Google Play Store rating. These little stars very often determine whether app is commercially successful. Without ratings, many great apps will remain buried in the 20th page of your search results.

Many applications display nag screens, prompting users to leave ratings in the Google Play Store. To use this method, you need a library, which must be included in your app. Thankfully, you don’t have to write such a module yourself, as XDA Forum Member mariosangiorgio has done so already and was kind enough to share it with everybody. The developer carefully explained how to use his library in his Github repository.

If you are an app developer, you should consider visiting the library thread to learn more about adding this implementation to your project. And if you use this library in your app-in-progress, make sure to leave a kind word in the thread and/or contribute to the code on Github.

Memotion Displays Your “True” Emotions


There are many categories of apps available on Android. Some of them add functionality, whereas others simply allow you to kill some time. The application we are about to cover does both, along with delivering a healthy dose of amusement.

Memotion was developed by XDA Senior Member brandall. It’s a tool that is able to recognize the emotions of you or a friend based on the tone and cadence of speech. For example, this app can tell you if you are curious, bored, or excited. Sounds interesting? Believe me it is.

To begin its analysis, Memotion needs a 20 second voice sample recorded through your device’s microphone. But recognizing emotions isn’t the only feature of this app. You can also record some memories, and Memotion will add information like location, weather, and more. It’s really handy for those perpetually on the go, as you can see where have you been and how you have felt on certain days. The voice recognition module is a result of 18 years of research, and it uses FLAC audio codec to store the data.

If you are interested in psychology and would like to study your or other people’s emotions, visit the application thread and give it a try.

Ubuntu/Android Dual Boot on 4.2+ AOSP, Oppo N1 CyanogenMod Edition Released, Source Available! – XDA Developer TV


You can dual boot Ubuntu and Android on your device with a developer preview release! That and much more news is covered by Jordan, as he reviews all the important stories from this week. Included in this week’s news is the announcement that the official CyanogenMod for the Oppo N1 is available, as are the factory images and source code. AOKP KitKat 4.4.2 nightlies are also available for 10 device! That’s not all that’s covered in today’s video!

Jordan talks about the other videos released this week on XDA Developer TV. XDA Developer TV Producer TK reviewed Google Glass XE 2.0, Jordan spread some Android Christmas cheer, and TK showed us how to side load apps on our Google Glass. Pull up a chair and check out this video.

Links to stories mentioned:

Check out Jordan’s YouTube Channel and Jordan’s Gaming YouTube Channel

Cell Phones : [ Galaxy Note™ II Protective Cover +, BLACK ] Galaxy Note™ II Protective Cover +, BLACK

“Free 5 pack of TecTiles with purchase (a $14.99 value) will be added to your order automatically”

The Galaxy Note II Protective Cover Plus case is a precision designed cell phone case that protects the device without sacrificing style. Galaxy cases also feature one of the sleekest android phone case designs, allowing for both function and fashion.

Also available in: White , Pink

Cell Phones : [ Galaxy Note™ II Protective Cover +, PINK ] Galaxy Note™ II Protective Cover +, PINK

“Free 5 pack of TecTiles with purchase (a $14.99 value) will be added to your order automatically”

The Galaxy Note II Protective Cover Plus case is a precision designed cell phone case that protects the device without sacrificing style. Galaxy cases also feature one of the sleekest android phone case designs, allowing for both function and fashion.

Also available in: Black , White

Newbie-Friendly Tool Lets You Change the Look of Your Favorite Apps


Changing the look of open source apps is relatively easy. All you need to do is to download the source, add new images, and compile. Things get more complicated when the application’s author does not provide the source code and the app needs to be decompiled and recompiled using something like APKtool.

Aware of this situation, the XDA Forum Member Ankush menat created a tool to ease the process of changing the look of your favorite apps. This Windows-only tool allows you to modify application contents by extracting them to a specified output folder. Then, you can use popular applications like Gimp or Photoshop to edit the PNG files. After you’re done editing, you recompile the application and push it back to your device through ADB (or simply install it for non-system apps). The tool creator also provides a short guide on using the utility. The only things you need to use this tool are Windows OS and Java Runtime Environment 6 or 7.

More information and download files can be found in the original thread. So if you’re looking for a way to change the look of your favorite applications, go there and give this a shot.

Cell Phones : [ Nexus S from Google ]

Gingerbread Pre-installed

1 GHz Processor, 16GB of Internal Memory

Brilliant 4” Contour Display

Latest Google Mobile Apps

Android 2.3, Gingerbread

Gingerbread builds on some of the most popular Android features like multi-tasking and Wi-Fi hotspot and adds a refreshed user interface, an improved keyboard, near field communication (NFC) support, and more.

Cell Phones : [ Galaxy S® III Protective Cover +, White ] Galaxy S® III Protective Cover +, White

The Galaxy S III Protective Cover Plus case is a precision designed cell phone case that protects the device without sacrificing style. Galaxy cases also feature one of the sleekest android phone case designs, allowing for both function and fashion.

Cell Phones : [ Samsung Galaxy Reverb™ (Virgin Mobile) ]

Android™ 4.0, Ice Cream Sandwich For a Premium Performance

Cell Phones : [ Samsung Galaxy Rush™ (Boost Mobile) ]

Android™ 4.0, Ice Cream Sandwich, for easy access to everything Google

Cell Phones : [ Samsung Galaxy Axiom™ (U.S. Cellular) ]

Android™ 4.0, Ice Cream Sandwich and TouchWiz® Make for a Sweet Experience

Android 4.3 Rolling Out to the Nvidia Tegra Note 7, Brings HDR and Stylus Improvements


Google’s first generation Nexus 7 prominently featured Nvidia’s Tegra 3 System-on-a-Chip. When Google and Asus decided to ditch the Tegra platform and instead use Qualcomm’s Snapdragon S4 Pro as the foundation of the new Nexus 7 (2013), Nvidia saw this as an opportunity to create their own tablet based on the Tegra 4. They gave it quite a few extra features, such as active stylus support, and with that, the Nvidia Tegra Note 7 was born.

The Tegra Note 7 launched with a nearly stock version of Android 4.2 Jelly Bean. Now, the device has received its first major update. The firmware revision bumps up the android version to 4.3, and it also brings several new features to the device.

The most significant new feature is a new always-on HDR (AOHDR) feature, which leverages the Tegra-specific Chimera instruction set to produce HDR images with minimal processing time. The update also brings software-based video stabilization and other optimizations to camera performance. Additionally, the stylus functionality has been improved, and apps can now be transferred to an external microSD card—a feature which has been removed from stock Android for quite some time.

All in all, this update brings some significant new functionality to the device, and if you’re a current Tegra Note 7 owner, it makes for a great Holiday treat. Do you own a Tegra Note 7? If so, how do you like the update? Let us know in the comments below. And if you happen to own the tablet and want to gain some oh so sweet root access, make your way over to XDA Forum Member Ksehwail‘s Tegra Note 7 root thread.

[Source: Nvidia Blog | Via Android and Me]

Side-Load an App to Google Glass and GlassCopter App Review – XDA Developer TV


Just two days ago, XDA Developer TV Producer TK got Google Glass. He took the time to review it, and now he’s showing you some other tricks. TK starts of by showing you how simple it is to side load APKs on Google Glass using ADB. Then, TK shows off a simple Glass game you can play by tilting your head.

XDA Senior Member Mohammad_Adib offers a quick, easy, and somewhat addictive game for the Google Glass unit. In the second part of this video, XDA Developer TV Producer TK reviews GlassCopter. TK shows off the application and gives his thoughts, so check out this app review and tutorial.

Be sure to check out other great XDA Developer TV Videos

Roofer’s Guide Helps You Understand Git


If you are working with source code as a programmer writing an app or other project, you need a code revision control system. One of the most popular services used for this is git, which is widely used on sites like GitHub, Bitbucket, and Gitlab. Git is a powerful tool that works on every major operating system. It’s a very handy tool, but you need some skills to use it properly.

Some time ago, Conan Troutman wrote about my guide to GitHub. I didn’t include all the available commands, but with the help of XDA Senior Member jamieg71 and his comprehensive guide available in the XDA-University, Git will be no longer a black magic, but rather a great tool that can be used to control your projects. Jamie included most of the important commands available in Git, which can even resolve the most complicated situations. I don’t have to mention that most of basic commands are available too, so you can easily make your first steps in version control system with this guide.

Most ROM projects use Git, so proper usage of Git and Gerrit will allow for better code collaboration and contribution. More information and a big set of commands can be found in the original thread.

Cell Phones : [ Galaxy S® III Protective Cover +, Pink ] Galaxy S® III Protective Cover +, Pink

“Free 5 pack of TecTiles with purchase (a $14.99 value) will be added to your order automatically”

The Galaxy S III Protective Cover Plus case is a precision designed cell phone case that protects the device without sacrificing style. Galaxy cases also feature one of the sleekest android phone case designs, allowing for both function and fashion.

Cell Phones : [ Galaxy Note™ II Protective Cover +, WHITE ] Galaxy Note™ II Protective Cover +, WHITE

“Free 5 pack of TecTiles with purchase (a $14.99 value) will be added to your order automatically”

The Galaxy Note II Protective Cover Plus case is a precision designed cell phone case that protects the device without sacrificing style. Galaxy cases also feature one of the sleekest android phone case designs, allowing for both function and fashion.

Also available in: Black , Pink

Cell Phones : [ Galaxy Nexus™ (Sprint) ]

  • Samsung Galaxy Nexus

  • Samsung Galaxy Nexus

  • Samsung Galaxy Nexus

Android™ 4.0, Ice Cream Sandwich for unlimited potential and more control

Cell Phones : [ Samsung Repp™ (Generic CDMA) Android Smartphone ]

Customize with Android™ 2.3, Gingerbread and a full range of Google™ services

Cell Phones : [ Samsung Transfix™ (Cricket) Android Smartphone ]

Android™ 2.3, Gingerbread + 800 MHz processor

Mega Drop Brings Back the Retro Art of Falling


Winter lends itself quite well for gaming. Long nights and rather depressing weather force us to stay at home and discover new games for our mobile devices. There are many types of mobile games: big productions like Angry Birds or Plants vs. Zombies 2 and some independent games that need some love too.

A few months ago, we talked about the indie chain-reaction game Cilink by XDA Forum Member ildraco. Now, the same developer created another fantastic game: Mega Drop. This game is reminiscent of those old school games from the 80′s and 90′s, where graphics wasn’t a major factor in determining a game’s worth. The most important thing was fun factor, and there is plenty of that in Mega Drop.

Your main objection is to fall and destroy as many rocks and other objects as you can. Of course, you need to avoid spikes and saws, which can easily harm your small avatar. Falling sounds easy, but it’s not. It’s a very interesting game that gives us a chance to relax for at least few hours.

You can grab the latest version from the game thread. And on that note, I would also suggest you watch the short movie made by Tomasz Bagiński, “Fallen Art.”

Make Free Internet Calls on a Whim with Awaaz


Does anyone still remember the moment when you first discovered that you could make phone calls with the Internet for free? It was like discovering the Internet for the first time when you were young. A few years later, and we see Internet phone calls a staple of our online communications. Whatsapp, Wechat, and Viber all stand testament to how useful and popular these features are.

But choice is a defining element in the Android ecosystem, and in this case, it wouldn’t hurt. If you’re looking for a way to make free Internet calls on your Android device minus the mandatory account registration and login, chunky and laggy user interface, and other baggage, you may want to give Awaaz a go.

Developed by XDA Forum Member kizmat, Awaaz is an app that does exactly what it says it will do: It makes free Internet calls without the baggage. Rather than having an actual user interface that you navigate like the previously mentioned apps, once it’s been run for the first time, every call you make to someone who has Awaaz installed will be made over the Internet via a direct P2P connection.

This will only work if both phones are connected to WiFi, and they don’t have to be on the same network. If the other end isn’t connected to WiFi but has Awaaz installed, a normal call through your mobile network will be made. Additionally, any calls you do make with Awaaz will be logged by your Android device, just like a regular phone call.

Awaaz is definitely a more practical and convenient way to make free internet phone calls with very little compromise in the way you use your device. The app is compatible with any device running Android 3.0 or newer, and is available for free from the Play Store. To find out more, visit the original forum thread for more details.

Skate to Where the Puck Is Going

Businesses implementing Android apps can learn from what Web developers have done to handle browser variations, to handle the similar variations in Android OS versions. In this first post of a three-post series, we will examine what Web developers have done to simplify their development efforts and what the Android analogues are.

SQLCipher for Android, and You!

Full-disk encryption is fine as far as it goes, but it does not go quite as far as you might think in terms of defending your data. If you are considering encryption at the application level, in addition to the device level, SQLCipher for Android makes it easy for you to add AES-256 encryption to your local databases.