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Video Guide Shows You How to Make Your Own Launcher


Android development is not easy. There are a variety of APIs to manage, and compatibility issues make it even more complicated. Luckily, there are such places like XDA, where you can learn and share your knowledge with other members of the community. Showing how to make a simple launcher from scratch is a good opportunity to learn some more advanced stuff than simply flashing a ROM.

Frederick Barnard once said that a picture is worth a thousand words, and he was totally right. In the age of YouTube and other easily accessed social media outlets, sharing knowledge is very easy. XDA Senior Member powerpoint45 seems to agree, with a quote from tge famous English caricaturist and a series of videos to illustrate the process of launcher creation.

This video series is not a tutorial, so you need to know a bit about development before hopping into really advanced coding. To make an application, you need Eclipse or another tool able to compile an APK file. But with these seven videos, you will then understand what to do to make a perfect launcher. Perhaps, you will create the next Nova or Apex launcher.

The videos can be found in the original thread, so if you want to take a walk in a programmer’s shoes, head over there and get started. What do you think about this form of knowledge sharing. Do you prefer video guides to standard text guides? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.