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WWE 2K now available on Android devices for wrestling fanatics

If it's always been your dream to become a professional wrestler, now is your chance to become one, although it will only be through virtual means. WWE 2K is now available for mobile devices and it is the first simulation-style WWE game that they've ever released on this platform. You can act as your favorite wrestling superstars and even play against them as well in the only authentic in-ring mobile game which can bring you all the WWE mobile action you'd want.

The game features an almost full roster of WWE superstars including Jon Cena, Triple H, Sting, Undertaker, Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, and many more. But if you've developed in your head your own wrestling persona, you can make him or her come alive in this game as you have the option to create your own wrestling superstar. You can choose from among different game modes to play either your own character or one of the "real" wrestlers. Career mode lets you go through a whole WWE journey, with the ultimate goal of reaching the Hall of Fame. You get to earn "respect", upgrade skills, earn titles, achieve goals, etc.

If you feel like you still have a lot to learn, you can play the Training mode. You'll be able to learn the "nuances of the deep gameplay" as you maneuver your way through the game and the organization, with a little help. If you feel like going against real, virtual people, you can use the Real-Time Multiplayer mode and go against friends or other players in the WWE Universe.

Downloading this game will cost you a bit, $7.99 to be exact, but if you're a huge fan of the WWE and wrestling in general, that should be worth it. You can download it from the Google Play Store.

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