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Mega Drop Brings Back the Retro Art of Falling


Winter lends itself quite well for gaming. Long nights and rather depressing weather force us to stay at home and discover new games for our mobile devices. There are many types of mobile games: big productions like Angry Birds or Plants vs. Zombies 2 and some independent games that need some love too.

A few months ago, we talked about the indie chain-reaction game Cilink by XDA Forum Member ildraco. Now, the same developer created another fantastic game: Mega Drop. This game is reminiscent of those old school games from the 80′s and 90′s, where graphics wasn’t a major factor in determining a game’s worth. The most important thing was fun factor, and there is plenty of that in Mega Drop.

Your main objection is to fall and destroy as many rocks and other objects as you can. Of course, you need to avoid spikes and saws, which can easily harm your small avatar. Falling sounds easy, but it’s not. It’s a very interesting game that gives us a chance to relax for at least few hours.

You can grab the latest version from the game thread. And on that note, I would also suggest you watch the short movie made by Tomasz Bagiński, “Fallen Art.”