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Memotion Displays Your “True” Emotions


There are many categories of apps available on Android. Some of them add functionality, whereas others simply allow you to kill some time. The application we are about to cover does both, along with delivering a healthy dose of amusement.

Memotion was developed by XDA Senior Member brandall. It’s a tool that is able to recognize the emotions of you or a friend based on the tone and cadence of speech. For example, this app can tell you if you are curious, bored, or excited. Sounds interesting? Believe me it is.

To begin its analysis, Memotion needs a 20 second voice sample recorded through your device’s microphone. But recognizing emotions isn’t the only feature of this app. You can also record some memories, and Memotion will add information like location, weather, and more. It’s really handy for those perpetually on the go, as you can see where have you been and how you have felt on certain days. The voice recognition module is a result of 18 years of research, and it uses FLAC audio codec to store the data.

If you are interested in psychology and would like to study your or other people’s emotions, visit the application thread and give it a try.