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Customize Your Notifications with Recurrent Notifications


Perhaps you’ve wondered why the Android OS doesn’t provide an option for you to customize your notifications. Having the ability to personalize the notifications of your installed applications would be beneficial. Because if you think about it, there really isn’t any way of knowing which notification you received, and whether it’s worth checking when you only have a 1 second ‘ting’ and an LED light that pulses every 10 seconds.

So to help out with that, XDA Recognized Developer bartito developed an app called Recurrent Notifications to do what Google could not. As you might have guessed, Recurrent Notifications allows you to tinker with (almost) every element of a notification. This includes the ringtone, vibration, LED color, and repetition interval.

Additionally, Pebble smartwatch owners can take advantage of a couple settings specific to the Pebble, such as toggling sounds and vibrations when the Pebble is connected, playing notifications on the Pebble, and limiting the number of notifications when connected to the Pebble. Furthermore, android-notifier users can even allow Recurrent Notifications to automatically send notifications received on your device straight to your computer.

Recurrent Notifications will no doubt be useful to many Android users because of the wealth of notification customization it allows. If you’ve wanted to tweak your notifications, check out the original thread to learn more.