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Roofer’s Guide Helps You Understand Git


If you are working with source code as a programmer writing an app or other project, you need a code revision control system. One of the most popular services used for this is git, which is widely used on sites like GitHub, Bitbucket, and Gitlab. Git is a powerful tool that works on every major operating system. It’s a very handy tool, but you need some skills to use it properly.

Some time ago, Conan Troutman wrote about my guide to GitHub. I didn’t include all the available commands, but with the help of XDA Senior Member jamieg71 and his comprehensive guide available in the XDA-University, Git will be no longer a black magic, but rather a great tool that can be used to control your projects. Jamie included most of the important commands available in Git, which can even resolve the most complicated situations. I don’t have to mention that most of basic commands are available too, so you can easily make your first steps in version control system with this guide.

Most ROM projects use Git, so proper usage of Git and Gerrit will allow for better code collaboration and contribution. More information and a big set of commands can be found in the original thread.