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Todoist finally adds location-based reminders on Android

Finally, someone will be able to check off “update app” on their Todoist task list. Almost two weeks after they announced that they were releasing an update for location-based reminders, productivity app Todoist has finally made good on their promise as users can now use location triggers reminders for your task list.

Just in case you’ve forgotten about it already, the new feature on the popular app will allow you to use your location to trigger alarms for items in your task list, instead of a specific time. For example, instead of setting an alarm for “Buy milk” at 7PM, you can set a reminder to go off once you step outside of your office. Or, if you need to be reminded to “Email the minutes of the meeting”, set the alarm for the moment you step into your office so you really won’t forget.

Since Todoist is already integrated with Google Maps, it will detect your most frequented locations and will give you those options when you try to set reminders by location. Or you can also manually enter a place by locating it on Google Maps and then adding it to your favourites list. This is a great, unique feature as most productivity apps use just time and date reminders, when sometimes, where you are is a good trigger for your to do list.

However, this feature is only available for Premium users, and not for the free app version. But if you think that this alone is worth the $28.99/year premium fee, which of course has also other additional features like mobile and email reminders, adding notes and attaching pictures, PDFs and spreadsheets to your reminders, then by all means, subscribe to the service.

Samsung Galaxy S5 Mini now available for pre-order in UK, Poland

Samsung has been pretty consistent in churning out “mini” versions of their flagship phones, starting with the Galaxy S3 Mini which launched in October 2012. This year’s Galaxy S5 Mini follows in that tradition, announced publicly a couple of weeks back, and is now available for pre-order in Europe – specifically the UK and in Poland.

The announcement that the Galaxy S5 Mini would now be available in UK came right after the phone was made public. As of today, it was also announced that the device would now be available for pre-order also in Poland, with other countries in Europe possibly following suit soon. Europe has traditionally been a good market for these Samsung flagship “minis”, with the people having a tendency to opt for smaller but no less powerful devices.

The Galaxy S5 Mini is definitely a big improvement from the S4 Mini last year, retaining a number of high-profile features of its larger and more illustrious flagship predecessor. The S5 Mini the heart rate monitor set at the back of the device and the home button doubling as a fingerprint sensor. It is even very close in aesthetics to its larger cousin, up to the textured back cover that Galaxy S5 fans have often spoke well of.

Both LTE and non-LTE variants of the Galaxy S5 Mini will be powered by the Exynos 3470 chip, made by Samsung’s in-house SoC manufacturers Exynos who are making a return to the European market after being dominated by Qualcomm Snapdragon and NVIDIA Tegra chips in the region. The device will have a 1280x720 HD Super-AMOLED display, an 8MP rear camera, 16GB of internal storage and 1.5GB of RAM. Check out the pre-order pages at the source links. The mini flagship carries around a price tag of $625 - $630, easily making it the most expensive of the current batch of minis.

VIA: SAM Mobile (1), (2)

The Least Stupid Way to Type On a Smartwatch

The Least Stupid Way to Type On a Smartwatch

If you really need to type on your smartwatch (you don't) there's finally a solution (that you should avoid needing). Minuum , the premier super tiny keyboard, is coming to Android Wear and from the demo reel, it doesn't look half bad.


Wiper really wipes away private messages, if you want it to

Private messaging apps are a dime a dozen now, with Viber, WhatsApp, Kakao Talk, WeChat, etc. But even though they are supposedly not for everyone’s eyes, hence the term “private messaging”, nothing really remains private within those digital walls, as they are still stored in their servers and your friends' apps as well. A new app called Wiper promises to be be the most secure of all these messaging apps, as it gives you utmost privacy and full control of your conversations.

As the name suggests, the app lets you have the option of removing your chats from both the app, your friend’s app and their servers as well, if you choose the “Wipe” option that is found within the conversation. You also have the option of erasing the call logs of the app, which offers you free voice calling as well, aside from the truly private messaging. So the wipe option basically removes all traces of your activities within the app, in case you were planning on using it for clandestine conversations (hey, it doesn't judge) or if you want to use it as your official messaging app for your burgeoning spy career.

But aside from the wipe option, it also has the usual messaging features. You can share normal texts, emoticons, stickers pictures and even videos as well. The sound quality of the voice calls are guaranteed to be HD, but probably it also depends if your Internet connection is good. But even if you do not choose the “off the record” or the wipe option, your calls and messages are encrypted securely end-to-end. It also lets you know if the recipient of your message has already read it. Another important feature of this app is that it lets you know if the recipient has taken a screenshot of your messages.

Wiper is available for free at the Google Play Store. It also has several language options, including Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish and others.

wiper5 wiper4 wiper3 wiper2 wiper1

VIA: SlashGear

NVIDIA’s next SHIELD tipped to level up Android-PC link

NVIDIA may have nominally stepped back from the smartphone biz, tough even that is still debatable, it hasn't completely backed out of the entire mobile industry just yet, especially when it comes to gaming. Insider sources are saying that NVIDIA has something up its sleeve that will give new players in the industry, like Valve and OUYA, a run for their money.

It is almost common knowledge, at least in the rumor mill, that NVIDIA will have a new SHIELD device coming soon, but the exact details of this device is still shrouded in mystery. The crowd favorite seems to be that it will be a tablet, which isn't exactly conducive to gaming. The latest tips and leaks, however, seem to agree on one thing: there will be a controller accessory for this device. Think Wikipad or some other Bluetooth controller available these days. But the device itself will also be able to pipe its display to a TV via HDMI, which hits on the target living room gaming market that both OUYA and Valve's Steam Machines are vying for.

But that isn't the only thing that these contenders will have to fear. Like the existing NVIDIA SHIELD handheld, NVIDIA will be flaunting integration with its super powerful desktop graphics cards. The device itself is said to run on an NVIDIA Tegra K1, whose prowess was demonstrated last Google I/O with rather impressive results. This will definitely be utilized for Android gaming. But it will also be able to link with a PC GPU in order to boost the device's own graphics churning. The current generation SHIELD is already able to stream PC games to the gaming handheld via NVIDIA GameStream technology. And you don't even have to be in the same room or network as the PC, as you can stream remotely as well. The upcoming SHIELD is said to take this partnership even further, though the exact details of that are still unknown.

While that sounds well and good, there are questions about commercial viability of this rumored SHIELD device. The NVIDIA SHIELD handheld, though popular, isn't exactly considered to be a retail success. The device's reach and appeal is practically limited by the presence of a high-end, and expensive, NVIDIA card in a PC. Sure, the handheld, and probably this tablet, are useful by themselves, but you will not be able to use its full potential unless you cash out for a gaming rig. That said, some market observers believe that NVIDIA isn't actually that interested in making a profit, and that these SHIELD ventures are more likely experiments in studying the trends and reception of mobile gaming.


VIA: SlashGear

Paranoid Android teases Recents redesign in 4.5 Alpha 1

If you thought that Paranoid Android would be taking a break after unleashing version 4.4 to its fans, then you have another thing coming. PA developers seem to have an itch they just can't get rid of and have announced two, yes, not one but two, releases. While 4.43 is practically a maintenance release, Paranoid Android 4.5 Alpha 1 contains a preview of the revamped Recents that the team teased before.

Since both 4.43 and 4.5 are based on the same source tree, fixes that have been included in the former also make their way to the latter. These include fixes to Paranoid's OTA system, as well as fixes for Quicksettings. As usual, the new Theme Engine has been synced with upstream. This time, however, a new theme feature was also included, namely the ability to theme the background of the notification list, though PA notes that it only uses a static color for now. Pie will also now be invokable even in KitKat's immersive mode if Pie was called using on the spot feature.

But perhaps those monitoring PA's movement will be more interested in what 4.5 Alpha 1 has to offer. The interest seems to be focused around the redesigned Recent Apps visuals. In particular, this new Recents tries to bring the visual style that was shown in Android L, making the vertical list of apps take up the center of the screen in a tickler style instead of a simple and straight list. PA's implementation, however, is also a bit fancier, with animations and skewed perspectives applied when fiddling with the list.

PA notes that this is just a preview, meaning that not only should bugs and issues be expected, but also that the design hasn't been set in stone yet. It definitely needs a few more iterations, which will most likely make PA fans all the more eager for the next update.

SOURCE: Paranoid Android

Sony updates bootloader unlock program

There are apparently two ways to swing when it comes to device manufacturers and the “tweaking” element of Android – a facet of the open source environment that has grown inevitably parallel to the OS. One is to lock your features and make it more difficult for hackers to tweak the OS to their liking. Or you could go Sony’s way and swing toward the freedom of the open source community, as they have done with their now updated bootloader unlock program.

The “bootloader” is usually the first portal towards tweaking a device – installing a custom recovery will then override the bootloader and enable hacks (like you and me) to flash custom ROMs and whatnot into your device. By unlocking the bootloader, Sony is basically giving people a free rein in flashing their devices with custom stuff, with some caveats, of course. But still, this eliminates the need to unlock the bootloader with a custom recovery.

The program started early this year, but the page and the information for Sony’s bootloader program was a long and tedious read, with very unfriendly instructions. Now the process has been made a little bit “friendlier”, a little bit more streamlined. The unlock program starts with you putting in your email information to Sony’s form, and also your device’s IMEI. Ostensibly, with the IMEI Sony is able to know where your device was bought and so run with whatever regional and global warranty considerations there would be for your device. They will most likely email you an “unlock code” for the actual unlocking of your device.


A couple of updates to the program – there is now a very obvious page for flashing back to a Sony ROM, where the old pages did not have one (or if it did, it wasn’t that obvious). Supported devices now also include the Sony Xperia Z2 and the Xperia Z2 Ultra. If you want to check out the updates to the program, go directly to the program portal HERE .