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Todoist finally adds location-based reminders on Android

Finally, someone will be able to check off “update app” on their Todoist task list. Almost two weeks after they announced that they were releasing an update for location-based reminders, productivity app Todoist has finally made good on their promise as users can now use location triggers reminders for your task list.

Just in case you’ve forgotten about it already, the new feature on the popular app will allow you to use your location to trigger alarms for items in your task list, instead of a specific time. For example, instead of setting an alarm for “Buy milk” at 7PM, you can set a reminder to go off once you step outside of your office. Or, if you need to be reminded to “Email the minutes of the meeting”, set the alarm for the moment you step into your office so you really won’t forget.

Since Todoist is already integrated with Google Maps, it will detect your most frequented locations and will give you those options when you try to set reminders by location. Or you can also manually enter a place by locating it on Google Maps and then adding it to your favourites list. This is a great, unique feature as most productivity apps use just time and date reminders, when sometimes, where you are is a good trigger for your to do list.

However, this feature is only available for Premium users, and not for the free app version. But if you think that this alone is worth the $28.99/year premium fee, which of course has also other additional features like mobile and email reminders, adding notes and attaching pictures, PDFs and spreadsheets to your reminders, then by all means, subscribe to the service.