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Skylight digital photo frame lets you send images from anywhere in the world

A new digital photo frame has turned up that makes it easy for you to send photos to it from anywhere in the world. The idea is that you can give the frame to a relative that lives somewhere far away and then send pictures to it for them so they know what you are up to.

The frame needs connection to a power source and a WiFi network. It gets its own email address and all you have to do to get the frame to show the images you take with your camera or smartphone is to email them to that address.

The photos will arrive and display within 60 seconds. If you have multiple Skylight frames, you can send images to all of them at the same time. The person you send the pictures to can heart them and you will get an email telling you they liked the photo.

Skylight is on Kickstarter seeking $30,000 and has raised a bit over $28,000 at the time of writing with 12 days to go. A pledge of $99 or more will get you a Skylight frame with shipping in August. It's worth noting that this isn't the first frame that can do this sort of thing.

SOURCE: Kickstarter

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