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Baidu previews Android-based smartwatch OS for Chinese market

The Chinese gadget market is one of the biggest in the world, and you can bet that tech companies and gadget makers are looking towards targeting that demographic. Search-engine and tech giant Baidu sees the potential of the wearable market in the region, and since both Apple and Google still haven't delved into it, they're looking to fill that gap. They've launched a preview of their Android-based smartwatch OS called DuWear.

The OS will work on Android-based smartwatches like the Sony Smartwatch 3, Moto 360, and the LG G Watch. It has the basic wearable functions like tracking your activities, monitoring your fitness, and even heart rate monitoring as well. It will also integrate some of Baidu's services, including voice search and mobile payment technology. You can use your Baidu Wallet to make payments and all you have to do is say "I'd like to make a payment" to complete your transaction.

Other functions that they will be integrating into DuWear includes mapping and GPS software so that you can also use your smartwatch as a navigation tool. They will also have an app store so users can download the other apps that will be supporting the OS. Baidu will most likely be launching their own smartwatch as well later on. This will reportedly happen in June, and if it pushes through, it will be the first mass-produced smartwatch from a Chinese company.

But meanwhile, if you have an Android-based smartwatch and you don't really want to use Android Wear, you will be able to try out DuWear by late April. Let's wait and see if it can match or even surpass the other wearable OS out there.

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