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Pandora brings music streaming service to Google Glass

If you’re wearing your Google Glass and want to bust out a dance move to show how cool you are, you can now have a perfect partner app for that, instead of just relying on the music in your head. Pandora has now arrived for Google Glass as a result of the music streaming service’s hack-a-thon this spring, which Google was more than happy to adapt to their precious wearable.

The Pandora app allows you to control your radio stations either by voice command or through the touchpad. If you want to use the former, you’ll be able to choose from among your existing radio stations or create a new one based on your new favourite artist or genre. But if you want to have more advanced controls, you need to use the Google Glass’ touchpad to be able to pause the song you’re listening to, skip the one that you’d rather not listen to and stop the radio altogether.


You can also use the touchpad to give the current track a thumbs up or thumbs down, depending on how you feel about it. But how will you be able to listen to music through Google Glass? Glad you asked. You can use either the built-in wireless speakers in the device, the single earbud which is included in the Explorer kit or a double earbud that can be attached to the glass using microUSB.


To download Pandora on your Google Glass, all you need to do is find it on the glassware page and turn it on and you’re on your way to your listening pleasure. Google Glass is only the 2nd wearable device where Pandora is available, after launching it on the Pebble smartwatch a few months ago. They promise to add more in the future as wearables continue to slowly make an impact on the market.

SOURCE: Pandora