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Dropbox Pro updated to better security and sharing settings

As more people start to discover the convenience of having their files on the cloud for easy access, cloud services need to step up their game to get the consumers’ attention and loyalty. Dropbox is one of the most popular ones out there and Pro users now have something more to sing about as the latest update brings you more security and sharing settings, as well as giving you even more space for all your media files and documents.

One of the best things about having your files on the cloud is having a convenient way to share needed files to your colleagues, classmates or friends. Instead of saving it on a USB flash drive or emailing it to them, you can just share it through Dropbox. The new security options will ensure that only the people you intend to share the files with will be able to access them. You can now add passwords for your shared links, which can also be set with expiration dates.

To further secure your files, you can also set view-only permissions for shared folders so that they’ll be able to view and edit within the folders only. Just in case you lose your smartphone, tablet or laptop that contains your dropbox files, you can delete them remotely by wiping the Dropbox data from the device while still keeping them safe in the cloud. But the most exciting update to Dropbox Pro is that there is just now one plan to rule them all where you get 1TB of space to store all your files.

While all these features are indeed useful, you won’t be able to have them if you have a free Dropbox account. It will cost you $9.99 a month to upgrade to Pro, but if your problem right now is that your Dropbox is almost always full, then that amount shouldn’t be a problem at all.

SOURCE: Dropbox