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MIPS Creator CI20 Linux dev board for Android debuts

DIY electronics fans will be glad to hear that the MIPS Creator CI20 development board for Linux and Android has arrived. The board has a 1.2GHz MIPS-based dual-core Ingenic apps processor running Debian 7 and Android 4.4 KitKat. The dev board is running Linux right now and the Android support will come soon.

The dev board measures 90.2mm x 95.3mm and has an Ingenic JZ4780 apps processor onboard. That chip is a low power, high performance unit. The MIPS32 dual-core CPU is paired with a PowerVR SGX540 GPU.

The burst architecture supports SIMD and FPU instruction sets with single and double floating point and IEEE 754 compatible formats. Other hardware features of the board include Ethernet connectivity and the CI20 is one of the only boards out there to offer integrated WiFi and Bluetooth 4.0.

Dual USB ports are integrated and a number of peripheral I/Os for GPIO, SPI, I2C, infrared, JTAG and others. A HDMI output is included for connecting to a monitor and it has an external 5V power supply. On board memory is 1GB and the board has 8GB of internal storage. A SD card slot supports directly booting to the OS. The initial release of the board will be limited and exact pricing is unannounced.

SOURCE: Imgtec