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Fixd hardware and Android app combo monitors your car’s health

Fixd is a hardware and app combination system that is designed to keep an eye on the health of your car. The hardware portion of the Fixd device plugs into the OBDII port of your car and allows you to get information on the app about check engine lights and track service intervals.

The device works with any car sold in the US since 1996 and connects with a smartphone via Bluetooth. When connected the hardware sends information to the Fixd app running on the smartphone. The app is designed to sort any issues into categories based on severity.

The levels of severity are green, yellow, and red. The app will give people an idea of what might happen to their car if they don’t fix issues and will estimate what it might cost to get the problem fixed. Multiple cars can use the Fixd device and app with each car having its own profile.

A pledge of $50 or more will get you a Fixd vehicle sensor and the app with delivery estimated in November 2014. The project is on Kickstarter seeking $30,000 and has raised $14,178 so far with 17 days to go.

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SOURCE: Kickstarter