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Level Up! The Top 5 Games of March 2015

Greetings gamers and true believers and welcome to the latest edition of Android Community's Level Up!, where we bring you the latest and greatest games and news that have come across our radars for the past few days. In this round, we're doing something a bit different for a change. We're bringing you not just what's new, but also what's hot, or alternatively, what's not. Presenting our selection of the 5 top games for March 2015, starting with number 5.

5. Angry Birds Stella POP! (Free, IAP)

Rovio really knows how to milk a franchise and its not yet running out of ideas just yet. Putting its newest heroine and her gang to the task, Angry Birds Stella POP!, which is still a mouthful to say, puts the pig popping, slingshot pulling action in another perspective. Literally. Instead of the conventional side view of previous Angry Birds games, POP! turns it around to the front. Popping pigs is the same in principle, as you will need to pop the structure on which they sit. Or stand. This time, however, they sit/stand on colored bubbles that you can only pop using a similar colored bubble from your "bubble quiver". But don't think it would be too easy, as you will need to have at least 3 of the same colored bubbles to get a pop. It's like a Threes game, just with brightly colored spheres and annoying green swine.

Angry Birds Stella POP! is free, but, as you might have guessed, riddled with in-app purchases.

4. Five Nights at Freddy's 3 ($3.99)

OK, we're probably kicking ourselves in the posterior for this, but this game is so darn freaky that it's so good. The ghastly animatronics are back to test your resolve. Though they have seemingly "died" in the last game (yes, there are 2 other freakishly nightmarish prequels), that isn't stopping them from haunting your days. Or nights rather. Why you would want to still work at a theme park designed in the likeness and image of your nightmares is beyond comprehension, but here you are, once again trying to make a living, ironically among the animatronic dead. So better get that popcorn ready for some night time ghost hunting. At least before they start hunting you.

Though there's a free demo to try, you do have to pay $3.99 for the full experience of Five Nights at Freddy's 3, which, when you think about it, is like paying someone just to scare you, hopefully not to death.

3. X-Men: Days of Future Past ($3.99, IAP)

Comic books are fond of reboots, resets, and repeats, and some of them might not sit well with more seasoned fans who have developed some form of attachment to the older version. If you are one of those who were taken aback by the latest X-Men film "re-imagining" then this game might be to your liking. If you actually liked the film, then, well, X-Men: Days of Future Past will introduce you to how it really happened. Set not within the film's storyline but in the original world of the comic book, the game gives access to more familiar names in the mutant roster, including Cyclops, Colossus, Shadowcat, and the soon to be very popular Scarlet Witch. The game itself even feels like a throwback to the old X-Men arcade games, taking the form of a side-scrolling action platformer. As for controls, well, we've grown to accept the realities of mobile gaming. At least the game offers you an option between virtual buttons or swipe gestures. Along with power ups for each mutant, the game also teases fans with hidden pieces of the comic's history, including character bios, comic book covers, and even concept art.

X-Men: Days of Future Past does cost $3.99, but happily it doesn't have any other purchases hidden inside along with the secret treasures.

2. Final Fantasy Record Keeper (Free, IAP)

All your favorite Final Fantasy characters and scenes all rolled into one in your smartphone. What's not to love? Maybe the pixelated renditions of said characters, but some will take Cloud, Tifa, Squall, Rinoa, Lightning, and the rest of the gang in whatever form they take, as long as they can bring them along in their pockets or bags. In Record Keeper, a kingdom that keeps safe the chronicles of heroism throughout the Final Fantasy universe has been besieged and the paintings that held these records mysteriously vanished. Now it's up to you, the new hero, to bring back those paintings. How else than by actually reliving those now iconic moments and battling the villains that were vanquished. Worry not, as you will not do it alone, as the very same heroes who defeated them will be at your beck and call. Final Fantasy Record Keeper has everything you might have loved in the classic FF games, with an engaging and mysterious plot, memorable soundtrack, and yes, even the 8-bit goodness of the good old days.

Best of all, unlike the other Final Fantasy ports to mobile, Final Fantasy Record Keeper comes free of charge. There is, of course, IAPs, but that might be a price some will be willing to pay.

1. Dungeon Hunter 5 (Free, IAP)

Gameloft has done it again. Another Dungeon Hunter installment, another hit game. The highly popular action RPG comes swinging away again on Android, but this time there is a little twist. As with many mobile games these days, there is both a single player and multi-player element to DH5. But the multi-player part takes on a slightly different form. Players can now create their own strongholds, keeping their treasures and protecting them with summoned minions. Other players, of course, can take stab at getting their hands on those. Players attacking another player's lair will have to go through all the obstacles laid before them before finally facing the dungeon master himself or herself, who is another player, of course. And there's more to DH5 than that. The story itself is quite changed, turning the player not into a hero but into a sword for hire. The game also introduces an element system that you can use to your advantage against enemies that are weak against a certain type. Gameloft also boasts that the graphics engine for this fifth installment has been revamped to take advantage of the latest in mobile technology.

Dungeon Hunter 5, like its predecessors, is free to claim but do beware of the hidden traps of in-app merchandise.

(Dis)Honorable: Stormblades (Free, IAP)

There are just some games that try to hype you up and build expectation, only to fall short of the promise and disappoint .Stormblades, who could have easily taken a spot in our top 5 but instead falls almost flat on its face. Poised to be an Infinity Blade for Android, the game does deliver on the graphics, somewhat, and the swipes and counter-swipes of the popular iOS title. The endless runner aspect injects a tinge of novelty to the game as well. But from there, everything else goes south. The lack of a notable storyline, the buggy double tap to evade implementation, and the highly repetitive gameplay makes Stormblades look less like Infinity Blade and more like Temple Run, with pit stops for slashing baddies. Good thing the game is only free to try, then.


And that's it for our Top 5 edition of Level Up! Tune in next time as we bring you more news and views on the latest in the Android gaming world. Be sure to check out the rest of our Gaming coverage for other noteworthy bits and pieces, like new games, updates, and on-going sales and bundles. Until next time, keep those thumbs warm!

Power Great Gaming with New Analytics from Play Games

By Ben Frenkel, Google Play Games team

A few weeks ago at the Game Developers Conference (GDC), we announced Play Games Player Analytics, a new set of free reports to help you manage your games business and understand in-game player behavior. Today, we’re excited to make these new tools available to you in the Google Play Developer Console.

Analytics is a key component of running a game as a service, which is increasingly becoming a necessity for running a successful mobile gaming business. When you take a closer look at large developers that do this successfully, you find that they do three things really well:

  • Manage their business to revenue targets

  • Identify hot spots in their business metrics so they can continuously focus on the game updates that will drive the most impact

  • Use analytics to understand how players are progressing, spending, and churning

“With player engagement and revenue data living under one roof, developers get a level of data quality that is simply not available to smaller teams without dedicated staff. As the tools evolve, I think Google Play Games Player Analytics will finally allow indie devs to confidently make data-driven changes that actually improve revenue.”

Kevin Pazirandeh

Developer of Zombie Highway 2

With Player Analytics, we wanted to make these capabilities available to the entire developer ecosystem on Google Play in a frictionless, easy-to-use way, freeing up your precious time to create great gaming experiences. Small studios, including the makers of Zombie Highway 2 and Bombsquad, have already started to see the benefits and impact of Player Analytics on their business.

Further, if you integrate with Google Play game services, you get this set of analytics with no incremental effort. But, for a little extra work, you can also unlock another set of high impact reports by integrating Google Play game services Events, starting with the Sources and Sinks report, a report to help you balance your in-game economy.

If you already have a game integrated with Google Play game services, go check out the new reports in the Google Play Developer Console today. For everyone else, enabling Player Analytics is as simple as adding a handful of lines of code to your game to integrate Google Play game services.

Manage your business to revenue targets

Set your spend target in Player Analytics by choosing a daily goal

To help assess the health of your games business, Player Analytics enables you to select a daily in-app purchase revenue target and then assess how you're doing against that goal through the Target vs Actual report depicted below. Learn more.

Identify hot spots using benchmarks with the Business Drivers report

Ever wonder how your game’s performance stacks up against other games? Player Analytics tells you exactly how well you are doing compared to similar games in your category.

Metrics highlighted in red are below the benchmark. Arrows indicate whether a metric is trending up or down, and any cell with the icon can be clicked to see more details about the underlying drivers of the change. Learn more.

Track player retention by new user cohort

In the Retention report, you can see the percentage of players that continued to play your game on the following seven days after installing your game.

Learn more.

See where players are spending their time, struggling, and churning with the Player Progression report

Measured by the number of achievements players have earned, the Player Progression funnel helps you identify where your players are struggling and churning to help you refine your game and, ultimately, improve retention. Add more achievements to make progression tracking more precise.

Learn more.

Manage your in-game economy with the Sources and Sinks report

The Sources and Sinks report helps you balance your in-game economy by showing the relationship between how quickly players are earning or buying and using resources.

For example, Eric Froemling, one man developer of BombSquad, used the Sources & Sinks report to help balance the rate at which players earned and spent tickets.

Read more about Eric’s experience with Player Analytics in his recent blog post.

To enable the Sources and Sinks report you will need to create and integrate Play game services Events that track sources of premium currency (e.g., gold coins earned), and sinks of premium currency (e.g., gold coins spent to buy in-app items).

S6 Edge bends under same pressure as iPhone 6 Plus

When the big screen iPhone 6 Plus came out, some buyers learned the hard way that you have to be careful how you carry the smartphone in the pocket. The larger iPhone was bending under pressure and testing by Square trade found that it took about 100 pounds of pressure to permanently bend the iPhone 6 Plus.

SquareTrade has now put the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge through the same test used for the iPhone 6 Plus and found that it deforms at the exact same pressure of 110 pounds. Unfortunately, for owners of the S6 Edge, this smartphone has a problem that owners of the iPhone 6 Plus don’t have to deal with.

The S6 Edge not only bent at 110 pounds of pressure, the screen also shattered along the curved edge at that pressure. That means that not only could owners have a bent smartphone in their pocket, they could also have a pocket full of glass.

Additional testing found that the S6 Edge completely fell apart at 149 pound of pressure. S6 Edge users will need to keep their device in a case or be very careful how they carry the smartphone in a pocket.

The SolarJuice 10,000 mAh Battery juicing you up for summer [DEALS]

Planning to hit the great outdoors this summer? Keep your mobile devices with you and never miss a beat when you have the ZeroLemon SolarJuice, available at a special price to Android Community Deals readers for a limited time. The ZeroLemon SolarJuice is a 10,000mAh portable battery pack with features like no other. In addition to its ability to recharge using a regular AC outlet, it can also recharge just by being exposed to direct sunlight. That’s right, it has a built-in 1.2W monocrystalline solar panel that converts the sun’s rays into electricity that you can then use to charge up your mobile devices.

The SolarJuice is capable of recharging 3 USB devices at once, is rain-resistant, shock proof, and environmentally friendly. In fact, you can expect your SolarJuice to go through, at minimum, 1000 recharging cycles before you see even a trace of diminished performance. It even has a built in flashlight so you can always find your way.

It’s the perfect tool for those times when you will be away from electrical power for an extended period, such as family camping trips. Now you can keep your tablet charged so the kids are always entertained. And it’s a must have device for any emergency survival kit, especially for those times when electrical services may be down for a few days. An almost endless supply of clean electricity with no carbon footprint. What’s not to love?

The ZeroLemon SolarJuice 10,000mAh Battery is marked down by a whopping 47% to only $26 - and with free shipping to the continental US - right now at Android Community Deals. Summer is coming. Get this one now before it’s gone for good.

Android Community Deals is brought to you in cooperation with StackSocial. Generated revenue helps fund this site. Deals are curated by StackSocial and are not representative of the opinions of the Android Community staff.

Evernote 7 now optimized for Android tablets

When Evernote 7 first came out for Android smartphones almost a month ago, users were pretty happy with the Material Design update, new collaborative features, and user-requested enhancements. But of course that was created just for the smaller screen and those of us who used tablets more often to access the note-taking and productivity app wished that it would also be optimized for larger screens. Well, they took their sweet time and now they're finally bringing the latest update for Android tablets.

The "flatter look, bolder colors, and improved typography" can now also be found on your Evernote app installed on your tablet. The developers were going for a unified experience, whether you were using it on your smartphone, smartwatch, tablet or desktop, but at the same time, optimized for whatever device you're accessing it from at that moment. The tablet version now a split toolbar which lets you manage your content while doing certain actions at the same time. The main navigation panel can still expand and collapse so that it will be easier to access your notes, to-do lists, links, etc.

There are also subtle improvements on the typography and alignment, which you'll probably only notice if you have a keen eye for details. But eventually as you use the app a lot (which you should!), you'll realize that these minor improvements contribute to a better experience when using Evernote on a tablet or larger screen.

The update should have rolled out to your Evernote by now. Every update to this productivity app is something we always look forward to, and we hope the next one is just as good, both visually and functionally.

SOURCE: Evernote

Steven Universe comes to your mobile device in Attack the Light

If you're a fan of the Cartoon Network animated series Steven Universe, or even if you're not, but you're looking for a fun turn-based RPG, then this new Android game should be on your TBD (to be downloaded) list. Attack of the Light is now available on Android devices and you get to enjoy an all-new storyline from the creator of the series herself and even the original voice cast have lent their voices to this simple but fun game.

If you don't know the series yet, Steven Universe is all about the titular character and his three friends named Amethyst, Garnet, and Pearl. Together these four protect the planet from evil forces. Unfortunately, Steven kinda screwed up in this game's storyline and unwittingly unleashed a monster that wants to gobble up the entire world with its light creatures. So now, with the help of your fingers and your mobile device, you get to save the universe through this game.

Don't worry, you'll be equipped with all sorts of magical items, secret treasures to be discovered along the way, and each of the four characters' unique abilities and weapons. If you're lucky, you'll even get to unleash Alexandrite, a three-gem fusion that will obliterate everything in its way. This game is pretty easy to play because of its intuitive tap and swipe controls. Plus, you don't need to know much about the show to be able to understand, although it would probably be to your advantage if you knew a little about the four characters.

The game is available in several languages aside from English: Arabic, Chinese, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Turkish. Steven Universe Attack the Light is available to download from the Google Play Store for just $2.99, all-in and with no IAPs available.

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HTC replaces Blinkfeed app with Sense Home

The highly anticipated new flagship from HTC isn't out in the market yet, but they're already giving users a preview of what to expect from the HTC One M9 by changing the Blinkfeed app into a different creature altogether. When you update you Blinkfeed now, it will turn into HTC Sense Home, which is one of the main features they were bragging about regarding the soon-to-be-released (hopefully) smartphone from the OEM.

The HTC Sense Home app brings a lot more personalization features to your smartphone (of course, given that you're using an HTC). You can now put themes on your HTC device, and there's even a theme store in the app to help you out. You can change the colors, wallpaper, and icons on your smartphone, but you can also get individual items from the themes, in case the whole kaboodle is not your type. There are also sound bundles available at the theme store, plus a host of other simple personalization options.

Another thing they've added is the HTC Sense Home widget, which actually gives you the apps you usually use, depending on the time of day or your location. So if you're at the office, the widget will give you the work-related apps you need, or if you're out and about in the evening, then it will give you social sharing apps. It will also recommend to you the apps that it thinks you need, based on your ongoing app-related behavior and/or your location.

The HTC Sense Home app will work with your HTC One M8. However, we're not yet sure if it will work with some older versions. What the app does say is that some features require your device to have at least Sense 7. You can update or download the app from the Google Play Store.

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VIA: Droid Life