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Samsung tipped to be ditching Qualcomm due to overheating

The Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 seems to be off to a rocky start. Previously rumored to be delayed, the mobile chip maker has assured the industry that its first octa-core 64-bit chips will ship on time, as seems to be implied by recent new smartphone announcements. But now according to an insider source, the chip was found to have some overheating issues based on Samsung's test, forcing the Korean OEM to switch out the processors for its upcoming Galaxy S6, expected to be unveiled in March.

The Snapdragon 810, along with its lower tier 610 and 410 siblings, marks a milestone for Qualcomm as the company's octa-core chip as well as its switch to a 64-bit architecture. Highly anticipated and hyped since last year, the system-on-chip is expected to power a good deal of mobile devices this year, just as its predecessors, the Snapdragon 800 and 805 did last year.

But one high-profile customer might be backing out. An anonymous source close to the matter claims that Samsung won't be donning the Galaxy S6 with the Snapdragon 810. And since it wouldn't want to go with an older chip for its first 2015 flagship, the chances are it would be going with its own Exynos chip instead. Qualcomm's processors powers majority of Samsung mobile devices and Samsung is one of if not its biggest customer, making up 12 percent of its sales.

That said, the timing of this leak seems to be a bit curious. Samsung might simply be paving the way to announce its complete switch to its own Exynos SoCs, at least for its flagships. It's no secret that Samsung has been steadily ramping up its processors with more and more features that would rival Qualcomm's so it's really only a matter of time before something like this happens.

Qualcomm's other high profile customers don't seem to be fazed, however. Xiaomi, whose rather powerful Mi Note will be launching end of January, will be powered by the Snapdragon 810 as well and Xiaomi hasn't uttered a word. LG will also be launching its G Flex 2 later this month and Samsung's rival seems to be quite happy with the processor.

SOURCE: Bloomberg

NBC offers livestream of Super Bowl XLIX on Android app

Rejoice Seahawks and Patriot fans -- we can all enjoy Super Bowl Sunday, the game itself and the halftime show, right on you Android device, free and uninterrupted. TV network NBC is offering up to 11 hours of live content featuring America’s biggest sporting event over its Android TV streaming app. Yay!

All you need is to download and install the NBC Sports Live Extra app (see download link below) on your Android device. On game day, February 1, starting at noon Eastern time, users need not log-in to show proof of a pay TV subscription, but simply open the app to access the network livestream. This means you can watch the pre- and post-game shows, the halftime show featuring Katy Perry, and the game itself without having to pay for anything, according to senior vice president and general manager for digital media at NBC Sports Group Rick Cordella. The halftime commercials, which are also one of the event’s biggest draws, on the online platform will be different from what will be seen on TV, however, but will also be made available for later viewing.

With a record 112.2 million viewers tuned into last year’s Super Bowl, Cordella explained that this was the perfect opportunity for NBC to promote its online platforms and encourage viewers to return for future sporting events. The initiative is also part of efforts by US TV networks to promote their “TV Everywhere” campaign, which seeks to make content more readily available to viewers via digital platforms and mobile devices.

The 49th edition of the Super Bowl features the Seattle Seahawks, the current champions who are seeking to repeat this year, and the New England Patriots, which is looking to give quarterback Tom Brady another title to his impressive Hall of Fame career. Coming into this year’s game, the Seahawks are running on the euphoria of a come-from-behind win over the mighty Green Bay Packers, while the Pats are mired in another controversy where they apparently deflated footballs so their players could grip them better during the conference championship game against the Indianapolis Colts.

DOWNLOAD: NBC app over Google Play Store

SOURCE: Reuters

Sol Invictus sci-fi gamebook launched on Android

You might be forgiven for not knowing about Sol Invictus – if you didn’t play Kyle B. Stiff’s “Heavy Metal Thunder” which is the predecessor to this gamebook, you might not even know it existed. But we’re here to put a little bit of good old book gaming and science fiction into your world.

Just like Heavy Metal Thunder, Sol Invictus is a gamebook – players will read through the text like a sci-fi novel and from time to time, they will have to test the skills of the main character against story baddies to move the plot forward. This is all done with dice rolls that you just tap into your device. Pretty easy.

In Sol Invictus, players get to play a human character – a fanatic from the Black Lance legion. Essentially, the main character is a slightly insane zealot (what zealot isn’t?) who heads into the worst places in the universe in order to help push the cause of humanity against aliens. In the gameplay, succeed at a dice check and you gain a hero point. These points can then be used for various stuff within the game – like the re-rolling of failed dice checks, or even skipping the check altogether. You also earn extra money from the kills the main character makes in game.

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Sol Invictus is a fine sequel, and is easy to take to even if you haven’t played the game that came before it. If you have the time, you can start with Heavy Metal Thunder first, which will only enhance your admiration for the game. But jumping right into Sol Invictus should be a really enjoyable thing nonetheless. The game is USD$1.00 to buy via the Google Play Store.

DOWNLOAD: Google Play Store

Augmented Reality w polskiej aplikacji

Polacy z 3R Studio Mobile stworzyli aplikację na swój sposób wyjątkową. W praktyce pokazuje ona, czym jest rozszerzona rzeczywistość (Augmented Reality), a przy okazji jest praktycznym...

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Time: 09:54 More in Science & Technology

Acer C910, C740 Chromebook hands-on: built to endure students

Acer has just unveiled two new Chromebooks that have been designed with educational use squarely in mind. But aside from the usual strappings of a budget-friendly, cloud-backed portable, these devices have one special feature to boast of: durability. Since these notebooks are targeted for use in schools and by students, Acer has equipped them with a few features that improve the hardiness of the Chromebooks to withstand the wear and tear of everyday academic use.

Students aren't exactly the most forgiving laptop users, whether intentionally or not. For that very purpose, Acer has given the C910 and C740 Chromebooks with reinforced covers that can withstand 60 kg of force. The corners, which, more often than not, lead to cracked screens, can also survive a 45 cm, around 1.5 feet, fall. The hinges are also reinforced to endure much more twisting and stress than normal.

With an 11.6-inch screen, the Acer C740 is more portable and more suitable for personal use and, perhaps, for taking home. That is why Acer went the extra mile and gifted this model with extended metal hinges. This makes sure that the Chromebook won't break apart even if the user picks it up by the screen, intentionally or otherwise.

The larger Acer C910 has a large 15.-6-inch display, which makes it more suited for shared use between student pairs. The advantage of this less portable model is that schools can choose between a Full HD 1920x1080 IPS screen or a 1366x768 HD display. The C910 also comes with more storage and more RAM, with 16 or 32 GB of space and 4 GB of memory. In contrast, the Acer C740 only comes with 16 GB of storage but options for 2 or 4 GB of RAM.

Hardware differences aside, both come with the same features that make Chromebooks ideal in a school setting. Secure multiple user accounts are supported, so students can share the same unit without worries. Personal files are kept private and secure, primarily because they are stored on Google Drive instead of the limited local storage. Managing the Chromebooks from the administrator side is also a snap thanks to the operating system's easy to use web-based interface.

The larger Acer C910 Chromebook will carry a higher price tag of $299.99 while the more portable Acer C740 will cost $259.99. Both will be available in the US starting February.


Spotify vs Google Play Music: qual è il migliore servizio di streaming musicale su Android?

Spotify e Play Music possono sembrare le due facce di una stessa medaglia, ma sono in realtà servizi molto diversi. Scopriamone assieme i punti di forza e le debolezze. Leggi l'articolo:...

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Time: 13:34 More in Science & Technology

How Google Analytics helps you make better decisions for your apps

Posted by Russell Ketchum, Lead Product Manager, Google Analytics for Mobile Apps

Knowing how your customers use your app is the foundation to keeping them happy and engaged. It’s important to track downloads and user ratings, but the key to building a successful business is using data to dive deeper into understanding the full acquisition funnel and what makes users stick around.

Google Analytics is the easiest way to understand more about what your users are doing inside your app on Google Play, while also simultaneously tracking your users across the web and other mobile platforms. To show how Google Analytics can help, we've created a new "Analyze" section on the Android Developers website for you to check out. We provide guidance on how to design a measurement plan and implement effective in-app analytics – and take advantage of features only available between Google Play and Google Analytics.

The Google Play Referral Flow in Analytics

Google Analytics for mobile apps provides a comprehensive view into your app’s full user lifecycle, including user acquisition, composition, in app behavior, and key conversions. Our Analytics Academy course on mobile app analytics is also a great resource to learn the fundamentals.

Eltsoft LLC, a foreign language learning and education app developer for Android, recognized early on how impactful Google Analytics would have on the company's ability to quickly improve on its apps and meet user needs.

Analytics has really helped us to track the effectiveness of the changes to our app. I would say six months ago, that our success was a mystery. The data said we were doing well, but the whys were not clear. Therefore, we couldn’t replicate or push forward. But today, we understand what’s happening and can project our future success. We have not only the data, but can control certain variables allowing us to understand that data. - Jason Byrne, Eltsoft LLC

Here are some powerful tips to make the most of Google Analytics:

  1. Understand the full acquisition funnelUniquely integrated with the Google Play Developer Console, Google Analytics gives you a comprehensive view of the Google Play Referral Flow. By linking Analytics to the Developer Console, you can track useful data on how users move through the acquisition flow from your marketing efforts to the Google Play store listing to the action of launching the app. If you find that a significant number of users browse your app in Google Play, but don’t install it, for example, you can then focus your efforts on improving your store listing.

  2. Unlock powerful insights on in-app purchasesMonitoring in-app purchases in the Google Play Developer Console will show you the total revenue your app is generating, but it does not give you the full picture about your paying users. By instrumenting your app with the Google Analytics ecommerce tracking, you’ll get a fuller understanding of what paying users do inside your app. For example, you can find out which acquisition channels deliver users who stay engaged and go on to become the highest value users.

  3. Identify roadblocks and common paths with the Behavior FlowUnderstanding how users move through your app is best done with in-app analytics. With Google Analytics, you can easily spot if a significant percentage of users leave your app during a specific section. For example, if you see significant drop off on a certain level of your game, you may want to make that level easier, so that more users complete the level and progress through the game. Similarly, if you find users who complete a tutorial stay engaged with your app, you might put the tutorial front and center for first-time users.

  4. Segment your audience to find valuable insightsAggregated data can help you answer questions about overall trends in your app. If you want to unlock deeper insights about what drives your users’ behavior, you can slice and dice your data using segmentation, such as demographics, behavior, or install date. If something changes in one of your key metrics, segmentation can help you get to the root of the issue -- for example, was a recent app update unpopular with users from one geographic area, or were users with a certain device or carrier affected by a bug?

  5. Use custom data to measure what matters for your businessSimply activating the Google Analytics library gives you many out-of-the-box metrics without additional work, such as daily and monthly active users, session duration, breakdowns by country, and many more variables. However, it’s likely that your app has many user actions or data types that are unique to it, which are critical to building an engaged user base. Google Analytics provides events, custom dimensions, and custom metrics so you can craft a measurement strategy that fits your app and business.

  6. No more one-size-fits-all ad strategyIf you’re a developer using AdMob to monetize your app, you can now see all of your Analytics data in the AdMob dashboard. Running a successful app business is all about reaching the right user with the right ad or product at the right time. If you create specific user segments in Google Analytics, you can target each segment with different ad products. For example, try targeting past purchasers with in-app purchase ads, while monetizing users who don’t purchase through targeted advertising.

By measuring your app performance on a granular level, you will be able to make better decisions for your business. Successful developers build their measurement plan at the same time as building their app in order to set goals and track progress against key success metrics, but it’s never too late to start.

Choose the implementation that works best for your app to get started with Google Analytics today and find out more about what you can do in the new “Analyze” section of

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