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Air Dock 2.0 brings more mounting options, new Qi transmitter

If you wanted to support their previous crowd-funded product but were unable to do so, now is your chance to do so. The makers of Air Dock, the wireless mobile device charging station built for your car have now come up with an updated version with more mounting options and better features as well. Unsurprisingly, it's called Air Dock 2.0, and it's once gain asking for your support through IndieGoGo.

If this is the first time you've heard of Air Dock, it's a device that you mount on your car and uses Qi inductive charging technology that transfers energy between your smartphone and the dock itself. For mounting purposes, it uses nano suction foam so there is no need for clamps or wires to attach your phone. You simply place it on the dock. For version 2.0, there are now four mounting options. You have a standard mount for smooth surfaces, another one for textured surfaces, a long flexible mount that can be bent into many positions, and a CD mount, for when your car's CD player is useless and instead you can use it to mount the Air Dock.

There are other changes in Air Dock 2.0 and that includes a new Qi transmitter that lets you use thicker phone cases because it now has a longer charging range. It is now also NFC-enabled so you can now trigger events on your smartphone using the Air Dock. Design-wise, it also has several improvements like relocating the USB port and making it thinner.

There are 57 days left in their campaign where they have to reach $85,000 to start the production of the Air Dock 2.0. The earliest estimated delivery date is February 2015, so if you want your car to have this charging dock by then, better support this project through IndieGoGo.

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SOURCE: IndieGogo

CyanogenMod outs official CM11 nightlies for Verizon LG G3

There have been a lot of unofficial CM11-based/CM11-like ROMs for the Verizon LG G3, but finally we have an official one – this is the official CM11 ROM for the Verizon LG G3 (together with nightlies). We got wind of this via the XDA developers forum. If you want some of this, dig in.

In case you were wondering CM11 is an open source, community built version of Android 4.4.4 KitKat – it’s not quite Lollipop yet – based on the Android Open Source Project (AOSP). The firmware is designed to increase overall performance of your device with some tweaks to Android that can only be found in CM11.


If you want to go ahead and treat your Verizon LG G3 to some Kitkat lovin’ before the Lollipop flavors ultimately take over, head on to the official thread (check the source link). We need to tell you that flashing your smartphone with CM11 will need a rooted system and custom recovery installed.

If you haven’t done that yet, then we suggest it’s time for you to go ahead and test the waters if you can handle tweaking your device that way.


Android 5 for Xperia Z Ultra and Ouya? LG G3 Oversharpening Fixed! – XDA TV

Android 5.0 Lollipop lands on the Sony Xperia Z Ultra! That and much more news is covered by Jordan when he reviews all the important stories from this weekend. Included in this weekend’s news is the announcement of a Android TV port for the OUYA gaming console and be sure the check out the article talking about the LG G3 Oversharpening fix! That’s not all that’s covered in today’s video!

Jordan talks about the other videos released this weekend on XDA TV. XDA TV Producer RootJunky shows you how to write a batch file. XDA TV Producer rirozizo released a video talking about installing and using MultiROM. And if you missed it, be sure to check out Jordan’s Review of the Nvidia SHIELD Tablet.. Pull up a chair and check out this video.

Links to stories mentioned:

Check out Jordan’s YouTube Channel and Jordan’s Gaming YouTube Channel

The post Android 5 for Xperia Z Ultra and Ouya? LG G3 Oversharpening Fixed! – XDA TV appeared first on xda-developers.

The next Google Glass model will be powered by Intel

It seems like Intel is trying to get a bite of the wearable device market, and an upcoming deal with Google will see the chipmakers supply the processing power of the next Google Glass iteration that should be out by next year – this is according to “sources close to the matter”. Who saw that coming?

There were few indications that there will be significant movement with Google Glass, especially with the news that Google is finding it hard to market the wearable device. But this partnership with Intel should give people another reason to give Google Glass at least one more chance when the new model comes out in 2015.

Intel’s processor will be replacing the one made by Texas Instruments for the initial model of the Google Glass internet-connected eyewear. And since the trend of the device is leaning more towards being an industry or work-related device rather than a consumer one, Google is now starting to work with software developers in encouraging the use of the device in industries such as health care, construction and manufacturing.

After the early hype of Glass, consumer interest in the device waned, with the device being associated mostly with nerdy people. There are units of the device being sold online for half the price, a sign that consumers have mostly given up on the tech. But Intel’s entry into the picture should make things a bit more interesting for Google Glass.

VIA: The Wall Street Journal

South Korea cracking down on unregistered selfie sticks

Don't worry, South Korea is not turning into a dictatorial, fun-hating country that punishes people for taking selfies (although, sometimes, we think they really do need punishment yes?). There is a perfectly reasonable (well, sort of) explanation as to why they are cracking down on those selfie sticks and it's not because they're annoying. What the government wants to do is to have them registered, if they have Bluetooth connectivity.

The truth is, this is just a technicality that is based on an existing law. Any device that is Bluetooth capable is labeled as a communication device and therefore should be certified before selling to the public. So those selfie sticks that are just sticks to help you take better self or group self-portraits but just uses your arm and the camera's timer, they're safe from regulation.

But for those sticks or monopods that can be paired with a smartphone and has a button that can trigger the camera shutter, those are the ones that have to be registered.But the ruling applies only to those who are selling the selfie stick. According to the Science Ministry, those who are caught selling unregistered selfie sticks can face up to 3 months in jail or pay a fine of $27,000.

But of course, this ruling is just a technicality, since the selfie sticks would not emit wireless signals that can interfere with other more important frequencies. "It's not going to affect anything in any meaningful way, but it is nonetheless a telecommunication device subject to regulation," a ministry official said.

VIA: SlashGear

AirDroid 3 Beta version now ready for download, testing

We already knew AirDroid 3 is coming and now, the AirDroid team is happy to announce that its Beta version is now ready for testing. It’s only been a month since we learned that a new AirDroid is coming but what makes this one even better is the fact that it will have Mac OS and Windows clients.

Android as mobile platform still has limitations so managing it form a web browser can be better. We learned the AirDroid 3 will have incoming call alerts, Notification mirroring, Air Mirror, and better Contact management. With AirDroid 3, you can also reject calls with a simple canned message.

The new AirDroid is now ready for download so you can start testing. Note that this is the beta version so don’t expect a flawless experience just yet. The AirDroid team will appreciate your feedback so feel free to send them.

To start beta test, install AirDroid Android on your mobile device or on your Windows or Mac computer. Download the files from here: AirDroid APK, AirDroid Windows, AirDroid Mac OS, and AirDroid Web. Sign in to your AirDroid account on your devices to start beta testing.

AirDroid developers are requesting for us to use Notification Mirror as much as possible to test this feature, as well as, provided feedback (good or bad) so they can improve on the program. In any case that the AirDrop desktop client is being detected as a virus by your antivirus system, ignore it. It’s still in beta so the team has not sent it to any antivirus for detection. According to the developers, virus detection will de done before the official AirDroid 3 version is released.

So what’s new in AirDroid 3? A few major things: AirMirror, End-to-End encryption (E2EE), File transfer, SMS, Call alerts, Contact, Nofication Mirror, a Redesigned Android interface, and AirDroid Web.

The AirMirror allows controlling of Android device from any desktop similar to VNC or Remote Desktop. This also allows launching an Android app remotely from notifications. End-to-End encryption (E2EE) for all SMS, account credentials, contact data, app notifications, and other sensitive data are now available. This means AirDroid is safer than ever and no 3RD party can access user data.

Transfering of files can be done from an Android device to a computer on remote or local connection. These files can be downloaded within 7 days and after that will be deleted from the cloud permanently.

Other basic features include sending group SMS and receiving/replying to SMS on computer, real-time notification of incoming calls, rejecting calls with a ready message by SMS, and real-time alert of phone notifications (Notification Mirror). Of course, the Android interface is now more intuitive too after the redesign.

SOURCE: AirDroid

Razer Nabu fitness band out on December 2, promo for insiders

It’s almost upon us, the Razer Nabu fitness band, which is of course Razer’s entry into the fitness device market. Razer is known for its laptop and PC accessories and its support of the PC gaming culture, so this is a very different type of niche for them. But they are hoping that their street cred will carry over to this new effort.

The Razer Nabu Smartband was first launched to the public at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas in January this year, and was warmly received, with a couple of awards under its belt after the trade show. This has probably encouraged Razer to mass produce their fitness band.

So this December 2, the Nabu Smartband will be available for purchase in North America at USD$99.99. For Razer forum members (called Insiders), a special pre-order promo has also been launched, allowing these people to pre-order the device at a discounted price point of USD$79.99. Around 5000 units have been made available for this promo. Check out the forum link at the source section below.


The Razer Nabu is compatible with Android devices with version 4.3 or better, and iOS devices as well. Aside from the common fitness features, the Nabu also delivers notifications straight to your wrist via a small 128x32-pixel screen. The Nabu is also IP54 certified for water resistance. Are you getting one this December?

SOURCE: Razer / Razer Forum