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Learn to Code Like a Boss with Best Android Practices Guide


Developing Android applications isn’t easy. There are a variety of tools that help greatly like Eclipse and Android Studio, but the majority of your code still needs to be written manually. Building an application is one thing, but optimizing it is a totally different story. There are some best practices that should be followed to ease the development and debugging process, and now is as good a time as ever to get to know them a bit better.

Some best practices, tips, and tricks are already described in Android Developer pages, which is a compendium of knowledge and a vast number of resources. However, there are also some tips and tricks acquired through personal experience of XDA community members. One of them, XDA Senior Member SimplicityApks, decided to share his knowledge with all of us by writing a thorough guide with various examples about how to improve your application’s performance and optimization when using Java and JavaFX code. The author also included many code samples directed towards beginner and intermediate developers. If your journey with Android programming has just begun, this guide should definitely go onto your todo list.

No matter if you are a new developer or have some coding experience, you should make your way to the original thread and read more about dos and don’ts in Android programming.

XDA Xposed Tuesday: Control Ads with MinMinGuard – XDA Developer TV


We can all agree that being a developer is not easy, and that developers deserve to make some money from their efforts. However, sometimes developers lose sight of their goals, and their ads make applications essentially unusable. Other times, the ads displayed may be inappropriate for polite company. With this Xposed Module, you can now selectively control these overbearing ads.

In this episode of XDA Xposed Tuesday, XDA Developer TV Producer TK reviews the Xposed Module that allows you to control ads. XDA Senior Member DragonHunt3r created the MinMinGuard Xposed Module. TK shows off the module and gives his thoughts, so check out this Xposed Tuesday video.

Be sure to check out other great XDA Developer TV Videos

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  • Samsung Galaxy Nexus

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Android™ 4.0, Ice Cream Sandwich for unlimited potential and more control

Skate to Where the Puck Is Going

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SQLCipher for Android, and You!

Full-disk encryption is fine as far as it goes, but it does not go quite as far as you might think in terms of defending your data. If you are considering encryption at the application level, in addition to the device level, SQLCipher for Android makes it easy for you to add AES-256 encryption to your local databases.