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Facebook brings lock screen music controls to Home, animated stickers to all Android users

Facebook adds lock screen music controls to Home, animated stickers for all Android users

Facebook's Android offerings just got a little livelier through a pair of updates. If you're using Facebook Home, you now have music controls on the lock screen during playback. Everyone using the regular Facebook app, meanwhile, should see animated stickers in messages. Neither upgrade is dramatic, but they're both enough to justify a quick visit to Google Play.

Filed under: Cellphones, Mobile, Facebook


Source: Google Play (1), (2)

Skate to Where the Puck Is Going

Businesses implementing Android apps can learn from what Web developers have done to handle browser variations, to handle the similar variations in Android OS versions. In this first post of a three-post series, we will examine what Web developers have done to simplify their development efforts and what the Android analogues are.

SQLCipher for Android, and You!

Full-disk encryption is fine as far as it goes, but it does not go quite as far as you might think in terms of defending your data. If you are considering encryption at the application level, in addition to the device level, SQLCipher for Android makes it easy for you to add AES-256 encryption to your local databases.

With a whirr of gears, and a whiff of code, the little robot trundled on...

Android-powered desktop robot that's open source? Sign me up!

Podcast June 19: Building Cloud-based Enterprise Mobile Applications

Join us on June 19th at 9am Pacific / 12pm Eastern for a lively conversation on mobile and cloud moderated by Peter van der Linden, Android Technology Evangelist at Motorola Mobility and with guest speakers

Enterprise Mobile Security - What is your #1 security issue?

When implementing an enterprise mobile strategy the #1 security issue is?

  • Doing a risk assessment

  • Securing data communication

  • Protecting data thru encryption

  • Android security

  • HTML5 security

Fourquare's new push recommendations appear even when you don't check in

Fourquare's new push recommendations appear even when you don't check in

Sure, Foursquare is a nice option for recommendations from friends and those who have already explored your current locale. It appears, though, that the days of manually searching the app for nearby treasures will soon be a thing of the past. Today, Foursquare began a rollout to select Android users a "smarter" version of the service -- one that's proactive with its recommendations. That's right, folks, the app will ping you via push notification when you're near a friend's go-to sushi place or offer up cocktail suggestions based on the bar that you just cozied up to. Fret not, you can still check in like you're used to, but now Foursquare will offer up recommendations even if you don't. Battery drain shouldn't be a concern here as the company says a day's worth of advice should roughly translate to a 20-minute Angry Birds session. In the next few months, the feature will reach all Android users, with iOS to follow sometime after that. For now, if you're not one of the lucky thousand or so, you can peruse the backstory via the source link below.

Filed under: Cellphones, Software, Mobile


Via: TechCrunch, AllThingsD

Source: Fourquare