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Podcast June 19: Building Cloud-based Enterprise Mobile Applications

Join us on June 19th at 9am Pacific / 12pm Eastern for a lively conversation on mobile and cloud moderated by Peter van der Linden, Android Technology Evangelist at Motorola Mobility and with guest speakers

Enterprise Mobile Security - What is your #1 security issue?

When implementing an enterprise mobile strategy the #1 security issue is?

  • Doing a risk assessment

  • Securing data communication

  • Protecting data thru encryption

  • Android security

  • HTML5 security

Automated Device Lets You Automate Your Android Device with Rules


There are some great apps available for anyone looking to automate their Android devices such as Tasker and Llama Location Profiles, just to name a couple. But as with all things, there are a few setbacks, such as Tasker being a paid app, and Llama Location Profiles having limited activation conditions. Well, XDA Senior Member danielherrero looks to address these qualms by introducing an app called Automated Device.

The great thing about Automated Device is how much customization and flexibility it allows with actions, rules and conditions, and profiles. Any sort of condition you can think of, danielherrero has probably included it, as the app has thirty conditions, such as:

  • Battery level

  • Phone calls

  • Ambient light or temperature

  • Proximity sensor level

  • Bluetooth

As for rules, which are made up of combinations of conditions, the app lets you use either “and” or “or” to define actions. And if you’re worried about the number of actions that can be automated, no need to worry because there are more than twenty five different actions that can be executed when a rule is met.

Danielherrero has developed a very worthy alternative to the more popular, aforementioned automation apps for your Android device. It has an abundance of options and settings, and is easy to use. If you want to check Automated Device, visit the application thread for more information.

Fix the Extended ActionBar with a Handy Library


With KitKat on the Nexus 5, the default Google Experience Launcher displays aesthetically appealing translucent status and navigation bars. This was a long-awaited feature, which was already available in several custom ROMs ever since Froyo or even earlier. Obviously, however, time runs slower for official Android. But after all these years, the launcher finally looks like it should have from the beginning.

Translucent bars look great, but Google didn’t entirely avoid errors when implementing it. One example is when using ActionBar, the car color doesn’t extend behind the status bar itself. Luckily there is an easy fix, and it comes from XDA Forum Member Takhion.

Extended ActionBar is a simple activity that fixes all these little annoyances with your translucent bars. The developer hopes to transform it into a proper library at some point, but even this hacky workaround functions as it should. The result of adding this activity to your app or theme can be seen easily, and the best examples of this can be seen in the thread.

If you are an app developer or themer and ever wondered how to make your work more beautiful, you should definitely visit the original thread and implement this activity into your project.

Flash Different Text Fonts Through AROMA with FontFly


One of the simplest ways of giving your Android interface a new and refreshed look is to change the default font. Achieving this is easy, as all that’s required is switching the .ttf files in one of the system directories, hence the abundance of third-party apps in the Play Store requiring root access. And if you’re a user of one of the few ROMs that can change fonts for you, well, all the better!

But for those who are not running ROMs with this function, or who are aware of the possibilities of bootloops and other unpleasant issues from using a third-party app, you may want to check out XDA Senior Member xminirom’s FontFly AROMA package. FontFly is essentially an AROMA mod pack that houses a myriad different fonts that you can flash onto your device. There are 134 fonts in all.

Because of this large collection, xminirom splits FontFly into two parts to prevent the AROMA package from taking up too much space on your device’s storage. This also makes it significantly easier to find the font you’re looking for. And if you’re worried about not recognizing any of the confusing font names, there’s no need, as FontFly displays a preview of the font in AROMA itself.

If you’re interested in finding out more about FontFly, or have any questions to ask, head over to the original thread for more information.

Protect Your Privacy on Your Mobile Device with Pry-Fi


Given all of the personal information that we have stored on our mobile devices, Android phones could potentially serve as treasure troves of private data for those who wish to learn everything about you for profit. It’s not only Google who is trying to learn everything about you. Rather, many other vendors that also collect as much personal data as possible. One of the main personal identifiers is the MAC addresses of the communication devices on your phone. Another’s your IMEI or ESN. This data can be and probably will be used to make as much money from you as possible, and you can find out more about that in this related article.

One method to prevent breach of privacy is constantly switching off your data connections when not in use (or manually changing your WiFi adapter’s MAC address). However, this is quite tedious and time consuming. Thankfully, there is a better way with XDA Senior Recognized Developer Chainfire‘s new application Pry-Fi. This application prevents your phone from sharing sensitive information about your saved networks without forgetting them, so your device will still connect to your preferred networks automatically. Normally, your device constantly broadcasts its MAC address even when the WiFi is off, due to the “scanning always visible” option. With Pry-Fi, your MAC address will be pseudo-randomized and will slowly poison the tracking database with useless information. And while connected, your MAC address will not be used again per session, making tracking nearly useless. Pry-Fi can also create a “war” and let your device appear as dozens of devices.

Pry-Fi doesn’t work with all devices, as some OEMs have implemented their own security policies. It should work fine with a handful of devices including the Google Nexus 5, Samsung Galaxy S4, Samsung Galaxy Note 3, and HTC One. It might work on other devices, but your mileage may vary. It requires SuperSU to work fully, and there is a great chance that Pry-Fi won’t work with other superuser apps. The list of issues contains a few quirks, but the pros still far outnumber the cons.

More information about the project can be found in the original thread.