For a game to be successful these days, you would think that it would take some kick-ass graphics and complicated gameplay. But really, sometimes it just takes a simple gaming proposition – you play as a hero, you go defeat the baddies. Over and over again. Well, that last point is an addition to a simple formula by a game called “Slayin” – once only for iOS but now on Android. It’s an endless RPG.
With Slayin, users can play as either a Knight, a Wizard, or a Thief – and the point is just to keep on slashing monsters. Really nothing complicated to it. Plus, the seemingly 8-bit graphics adds to the nostalgia of the proposition. The three character types point to three different playing styles. The Knight jumps and jousts monsters to death with a sword – without protection to his backside, compensating with armor and power. The Wizard can’t jump and has virtually zero defense, but he amazingly turns into an invincible tornado in half-second spurts – a very fast-paced character. The Knave/Thief is quite similar to the Knight, but has weapons to the front and back – having some defense to his rear at the cost of armor.
Essentially, it’s a side-scrolling game. Each enemy you slay will get you XP – your character levels up in increments of 10. They you fight a boss, and when you beat him, the area and enemies change. Simple enough. Occasionally, you meet a merchant will appear for you to buy weapons and armor. If you die, you start back from the beginning, but the game lets you keep your “fame” which is currency in the game.
The game is free to play, with IAPs that unlock content. The IAPs are not at all intrusive and annoying as in other games. Check out the download link below to get the game.
DOWNLOAD: Google Play Store