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Racing Fever gets your blood pumping in new Android game

If you could have the chance to drive without speed limits or without consequences (legal or otherwise), would you take it? If you're any kind of driver, of course you would (or even if you don't drive IRL). So your best recourse would be to play mobile games, unless you're willing to go to jail for overspeeding. But Racing Fever will make sure that you stay out of prison, but you also get to vicariously race your heart out in this new game.

The endless driving game doesn't just get your blood pumping as you race, but it looks good and makes you look good with its 3D graphics as well as the intuitive controls. When you're racing, you get to choose from among 3 camera options so you can see everything that's happening. You can also choose to play from among four different modes: one way traffic, two way traffic, scoreless free ride, and time attack, all of which are pretty self-explanatory. You can also change your themes with the four available options.

To earn coins in this game, you need to do things that you cannot do in real life, like race at high speeds or drive your car on the wrong side of the lane (just remember that IRL, you won't get rewarded for doing that). You also get unlimited customizing options, as long as you have enough of those coins. You can change the color, vinyl, rims, and also upgrade your car model itself. You can also play in the bonus mode so that your next racing car may be for free.

You can download Racing Fever for free from the Google Play Store. There doesn't seem to be any in-app purchases available, so it looks like, it really is about you gathering enough points and coins to be able to get through this game.

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