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Google welcomes April Fools with Google Maps Pacman invasion

Trust Google to always be creative in the way they celebrate online events. April Fools is such a big thing on the internet right now that it’s quite impossible for Google not to do something, as they have done for the past few years. This morning, the mothership started the cute prank early, with respect to time zones who were already on April 1st – this particular one involved our favorite pellet-chomping video game hero Pacman.

Google went to one of its main services, Google Maps for this one, and they incorporated the classic Pacman video game to certain portions of the maps – both in the browser version and the Android version. How does it work? Well, you have to follow one of the given location clues (see below).


Once you’ve found one of the locations, a small Pacman icon will appear at the lower right corner of the screen. Click or tap on the icon, and then you’re good to go. On Android, you can also find this, although it’s not quite the big screen experience that it is on a laptop browser. To find Pacman on Android, you'll have to make sure you’ve updated to the newest version of Google Maps, specifically version 4.4 that rolled out in the past week.


It’s good old fun, and we love the people at Google who think up these cute little Easter eggs – they make you smile, don’t they? There should be more April Fools stuff going around as the day progresses. Watch out, and be very, very suspicious of the Internet today.

VIA: SlashGear