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Gesture Controller lets you open apps with, err, gestures

There are developers out there who are trying to send tactile and physical buttons out to oblivion, making everything contactless, and running everything via voice and gestures. This new app, unimaginatively called Gesture Controller, is one of the large number of apps in the Google Play Store that allow you to start apps with gestures.

Recent advancements in sensor technology have made it a lot easier for developing gesture-based apps – the accuracy that you get from the sensors is crazy. This works well for this new app, Gesture Controller, as it allows you to program and use any gesture to start any specific app – of course, without having to tap your screen.


Start your apps like some sort of jedi – two shakes to start the music app, one shake to start the camera… you get the idea, right? The great thing about the free version of this app is that it practically has no limitations – you can start any app installed on your phone with any gesture you so choose.

The paid version of the app will let you program more than one gesture to an app. Basically just a matter of convenience right there. The paid app will cost USD$1.79, while the free app is, err, free. Check out the source links below.