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Dormi Baby Monitor now brings video support

Being a geek doesn't stop when you become a parent. In fact, your geekiness will become even worse once you have a baby because you'd want to be always connected to your child. Of course, you can't hand your kid the latest smartphone, tablet, or computer but you may use the most hi-tech toys, accessories, and anything digital or electronic in the baby gadget industry. Parents nowadays have no reason not to be in the know or connected from their children because of the gadgets available.

For the parents always on-the-go, a baby monitor app can be very useful. Dormi is one of the best baby monitors in the market today. This doesn't need any separate hardware because you only need an Android device to work as an audio hardware baby monitor compatible with the Dormi app on your smartphone.

App has been around for some time already but it just received video streaming support. Parents outside the home can monitor their child over the Internet whether WiFi, Hotspot, 3G, 4G, LTE, HSPA+, or Edge--using two paired mobile devices.

What's good about the app is you can connect different devices at once in parent mode to a single child unit. It's a baby monitor so it's sensitive to noise level. It can detect cries and can amplify sound for parents to hear better. Parents are also allowed to talk to the baby by simply pressing the Talk button.

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Download Dormi Baby Monitor from the Google Play Store