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Coolest Clock projects time and tweets on the wall

We can thank smartwatches in part for many of us wanting a watch that does more than just tell the time. It is convenient to have a watch you can wear that can show you tweets and other notifications. One thing that we don’t see are smartclocks for the wall and a new one has debuted.

It’s called the Coolest Clock, and it is very cool. This isn’t a traditional clock in any sense of the word. There is no physical clock face with hands. The entire works is projected onto the wall by a projector housed in a blister that you hang on the wall.


The Coolest Clock can do more than show you the time, it can also project the weather, tweets, reminders, and even Facebook status updates. It's controlled by a smartphone app that allows you to customize what you see.


The Coolest Clock was seeking $20,000 on Indiegogo and blew that goal out of the water with over $233,000 raised with eight days to go. You can get a Coolest Clock for $199 with shipping estimated for December 2015. International shipping is included.

SOURCE: Indiegogo