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Sources say Google are developing Android for VR

Considering all the attention being given to virtual reality (VR) these days, it’s not at all surprising that rumors are beginning to surface that the almighty Google will be targeting expansion of Android towards that market soon. Also in hindsight, maybe The Lawnmower Man (remember that movie) started a hype on VR that was 20 odd years too early. But we digress.

Our friends over at SlashGear are quoting the Wall Street Journal talking to two sources who are “familiar with the issue” – that Google has started building a small team that is looking to design the Android platform specifically for virtual reality devices. As more and more people jump on the VR bandwagon, it seems like the prudent thing to do.

The project is at this point unacknowledged by the mothership – Google has still to put out any official word on the issue. But sources say that it is being led by Google VP for Product Management Clay Bavor and Director of Engineering Jeremy Doig. Doig has also worked with Google Cardboard, the company’s DIY approach on VR.


With Google refusing to comment, we will have to wait for an official statement about this rumored project soon. But it might not be that long a wait – with all the companies jumping on the VR market, Google will have to make an official move soon enough.

VIA: SlashGear