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PhotoMath lets you become a mathematical genius in a few seconds

Have you ever encountered a math problem for work that suddenly got you stumped and unable to recall from your vast knowledge of college or even high school math? Well of course you can Google for the answers or post the problem on your social networks in the hopes that someone will take pity on your numbers-challenged self. But there should be an easier way than that right? Well, as they always say now, there's an app for that.

PhotoMath has one purpose in life and that is to solve the math problems for you. Just point your camera at the problem that's bugging you (we're talking about math issues, not life struggles okay?) and it will solve it for you. And if you feel like you want to have a detailed explanation for how they solved it, you can click on the steps button and it will show you how it got to the answer.

For now, it only supports basic arithmetic, fractions, decimal numbers, linear equations, logarithms, etc. They will be adding "new Maths" in future updates, so if you encounter something they can't solve, then you better message the developer so they can add it. The app also only supports printed problems from text books, so sorry, but your chicken scratch problems you've doodled on your notebook will not receive an answer.

While this is a pretty neat app to have when you're working and too busy to properly research how to solve that problem, we don't know how to feel about students using this to answer their Math homework. And let's face it, most of them will not bother to click on the steps explanation anyways. But if you're a reasonable adult who just doesn't get math, you can download PhotoMath from the Google Play Store for free.

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