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Google+ photos can now be viewed on Google Drive

We don't know if this might be the start of the "rebranding" of Google+, but it can be considered major news that the tech giant is now making your photos previously found only on the social networking site now available on your Google Drive as well. It's been long reported that Google is looking to make big changes to the way they organize and manage photos, and this may be the first step towards that.

Starting today, organizing all the photos you've backed up onto your Google account is easier because you'll be able to see them on your Google Drive. When you visit your Drive, you'll see a folder on it called Photos menu, where all the photos and videos that you've uploaded or backed up on your Google+ can be seen. That doesn't mean that all the photos will then be deleted from your Google+, unless you choose to do so. You can still store, edit, and share them from there. But having them on your Drive means you can have better control over all your files, including documents, spreadsheets, and now photos and videos.


This isn't news, just confirmation, for those who have been following the whole "will they or won't they" Google+ saga, ever since Bradley Horowitz took over Google+ and that they divided it into two products, namely Photos and Streams. But now that Google Drive has been officially brought into the picture, we still have no idea what the Photos part will eventually mean for the social network.

You can check out your Google Drive now, whether it's on your desktop or on your mobile device, and you should be able to see the Photos folder. If it doesn't there yet, maybe wait a few more hours since Google will probably be rolling it out gradually.

SOURCE: Google