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Moto Maker will now allow you to custom your new Moto 360

Despite the recent mini-controversy over Apple's Sir Johnny Ive's opinion over Motorola's build-your-own platform with Moto Maker, the OEM seems to be standing by its design and marketing principles. They recently announced that not only can new users continue to build their own Moto X, but now you can also customize a Moto 360 smartwatch using the same groundbreaking tool they've started. If you're still on the fence about getting a wearable from Motorola, maybe this new development will convince you.

For now, the Moto Maker will only be able to give you design options for the Moto 360. You can choose from the watch casing (silver, black, or champagne gold), the band (two sizes and either leather or metal), and watchfaces (11 choices of what you'll see first when you turn on the watch). For some people (especially the fashion-conscious ones), what stops them from getting a smartwatch is the fact that they don't like the designs that most OEMs offer, so this customizable wearable from Motorola is their chance to make their own, despite the limitations of course.

While the design options are a big bonus, this can also pave the way in the future for Motorola to offer even more options in terms of hardware and to even upgrade products quickly. According to Dickson Isaacs, Motorola's Director of design for wearables, their research shows that people care about details, the construction of their gadgets, and even the materials used. The Moto Maker enables them to be involved in a way in the creation of their device, and so hopefully later on, even the insides will be included in the customizable options.

There is no official announcement yet as to when the Moto 360 can be found in the Moto Maker, but it will be available for US, UK, France, Germany, and Mexico. We may be able to hear more details during the Mobile World Congress that will start this weekend in Barcelona.

VIA: Wired