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Sonos beta update: multiroom features, smoother switching

Audio streaming app Sonos has brought (and brought back) several new features to its beta version, and it looks like they're really pushing multi-room features and functionalities to attract even more audiophiles to try using their app. The update gives users the ability to switch faster and more smoothly in between their different music sources, accessing all of them just by using one app.

When Sonos was released last spring, users became pretty excited that they will finally be able to have a flexible platform in which to access and search through all of their music, since most music lovers have multiple audio sources. But there were also some complaints and requests, and so with this latest update, the developers aim to meet challenges posted by users. They have made it easier now to browse and switch in between the different rooms, just by tapping the top of the screen where you will see the drop down menu. And when you're listening to your music on your smartphone, just swipe down to browse through your other music, and then swipe left or right to show the different sources.

The tablet version has also several improvements, making use of its larger screen by having an easier way to toggle in between rooms and screens. For both smartphone and tablets, they've brought back the track progression bar so it would be easier to go back to your favorite part in a song, simply by dragging the bar. They've also introduced the Crossfade feature, if you feel like blending one song after another so that there's no gap in between songs.

Sonos is available to download for free, although it is still in its beta version. They have not yet announced when they will be releasing the full version, except to say that it will be within the next few months.