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Samsung to discontinue Galaxy Alpha, focus on mid-range

The Samsung Galaxy Alpha smartphone found more than a few buyers who liked the design of the device despite the high-end price tag. A report has surfaced out of Korean that claims Samsung is discontinuing the Galaxy Alpha smartphone. Rather than selling high-end devices like the Alpha, the report claims Samsung will focus on mid-range devices.

You can bet that Samsung will continue to offer the Galaxy S range of devices in the high-end, those continue to be popular with users. The rumor claims that Samsung will replace the Alpha with a new A-line starting with a device called the Galaxy A5.

The Galaxy A5 will have lesser specs than the Alpha unit for sure, but will also carry a lesser price to boot. The Galaxy A5 is tipped to sell for around $360. We don’t have a full spec sheet on the A5 at this time.

Word is that the Galaxy A5 will land in Korea next month. There is no exact launch date and rumors claim that the launch could push into February as well. Perhaps this is the time to get hands on a Galaxy Alpha if you have been holding off. It’s unclear if the Alpha will see a price cut to move leftover inventory.

SOURCE: SlashGear