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QualityTime for Android tracks your smartphone usage time

With more and more people trying to break away from being forever stuck with their mobile phones, new apps to help people overcome smartphone addiction are coming out. One such app is QualityTime, another tool launched today which hopes to make you more aware of the time you spend face-to-face with your device.

This cool new app tracks your usage habits – everything from time spent on apps to the number of times you access your phone. The data it collects helps paint you a picture of how much you use your phone throughout a specific week. The longer QualityTime spends collecting data after installation, the more data will be available for you – such as the day you use your device the most, drilling down into what apps you use at particular times during the day. Pretty cool.


If you’re trying to control how much you use any particular app and boost your productivity, you can even set QualityTime to warn you that you’ve reached the boundaries you set for yourself. There’s also a cool “take a break” mode – this locks you out of certain apps for certain periods of time that you select. Of course, you can exclude pre-approved apps just in case there’s an emergency.

So this looks like a cool tool to help you be aware of just how long you are on your phone – just in case you’re one of those people who are still unaware of the huge amount of time we spend on our mobile devices. Download it via the Google Play Store below.

DOWNLOAD: Google Play Store