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Project Ara releases new MDK ahead of second developers conference

Our favorite modular phone guys, Project Ara, has just made public the second version of their Module Developers Kit (MDK) – which basically contains all you need to know if you want to create a module for Project Ara based on the Spiral 2 prototype. This was done ahead of the Ara Developers Conference slated on February 14 – we guess that the contents of the MDK will be big talking points on the conference itself.

The MDK was a collaborative effort between the guys and gals at Project Ara and companies that include NK Labs, LeafLabs, New Deal Design, Metamorph Software, X5 Systems, Toshiba, Mixel, Quanta, Opersys, Linux Solutions, Linaro, BayLibre, NewOldBits, Oxford Systems, Foxconn and IDT Systems among others. Within the MDK are details on the many software and hardware upgrades on the new prototype, including the new Toshiba UniPro switch and ASICs (application-specific integrated circuits) which we wrote about before. The new Toshiba chip allows for the connection between module elements, especially the processor to the other modules.


There is also the new contactless connection system between module and board, and the new “Greybus” communication protocol that handles the aforementioned contactless system. This new system was set in place to save on space and give the whole phone a sturdier build.

More of the content of the MDK will surely be talked about at the 2nd Ara Developers Conference, so be sure to look out for that event. Also, you can download the MDK here.

SOURCE: PhoneBloks