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Nexus Player heads to Japan marking Android TVs entry to the country

Google has announced that Android TV has finally made its way to Japan. The product that brings Android TV to Japanese fans is the Nexus Player, a collaboration between Asus and Google. The launch of the Nexus Player in Japan marks the first time that the device has been offered to purchase outside of North America.

Japanese fans will be able to purchase the Nexus Player at the end of February. In Japan, the device will sell for JPY 12,800. With the device in homes and businesses, users will be able to stream all sorts of their favorite programs and play video games as well.

The Nexus Player comes with a video game controller making games more enjoyable than using touch controls to play the games. The Nexus Player will have the same features in Japan that it offers in the US and other countries where it is available.

It will ship with a remote control that allows users to speak commands. Google says that it will also launch apps for Japanese content in the future including apps for Video Market, Hot Pepper Beauty, Ryori Sapuri, and Hulu's Japanese offering.

SOURCE: Google