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Mizuu update 3.0: design overhaul, file name improvement, free

If you keep a lot of movies and tv shows on your Android device, having a pretty good media server app is a must have if you don't want to rely on your boring old built-in file explorer. One of the more popular apps of this kind is Mizuu, and the newest version, 3.0 and nicknamed "Black" brings a design overhaul, as well as a belated Christmas gift for new users.

Developer Michell Bak refuses to call the overhaul a "Material Design" update since he says that it has often been misused, but he said he has tried to follow Google's guidelines in redesigning the app, giving a new look to the movie and TV show library. The different tabs include favorites, new releases, watched and unwatched videos, collections (folders), and a watchlist (to be watched videos). The layout for the details has also been changed, giving you even more scrollable information about the movies and TV shows, like actors, crew details, synopsis, ratings, etc.

The update also allows Bak to share some developments in his life. Creating Mizuu has actually opened doors for him and he recently got a job as an Android developer for a Danish telecoms company. As a thank you and holiday present for users, he is now offering the app for free. He said he is also working on eventual support for Android TV, which he is targeting for thee next update.

If you feel like trying out the media library app (it's just a library, not a media player though), you can download Mizuu 3.0 from the Google Play Store. And if you're wondering what's with the nickname "Black", it is apparently a tribute to Bak's dog Blackie, who died late last year.