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Google Classroom app now available for Android and iOS

Google Classroom was introduced back in May 2014, providing a more efficient way to save on paper and strengthen communication between educators and students. The service allowed teachers to assign digital assignments and monitor students' progress. Since then, the service has become available for Android and iOS devices. There has always been an issue with using phones in class - now students have an excuse. Instructors would most likely encourage phone use now if they plan on adapting to the Google Classroom service.

The app is simply a mobile version of the Google Classroom service, which packs in all the same features but in a more neatly compacted appealing manner. Creating and collecting assignments is made possible by pairing the Google service with Google Drive.

The app and service is plain and straightforward. Teachers can now create assignments and view students' progress. Students would be receiving the assignments or lesson plans, and virtually turn them in. The app lets you view grades, send messages, and other functions.

The theory behind the service and app is promising. Moving into a paperless world, the app can be seen to prove efficient and hopefully help students out with coursework material. The app is free to use and requires you have Google Apps for Education account.

VIA: Google Play Store