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FCC prohibits WiFi-blocking of hotels, says this practice illegal

We're aware that some hotels and companies are blocking the WiFi hotspots of guestS. That is a bad practice and according to the FCC, it's ILLEGAL. One of the most controversial issues which actually led to FCC issuing a special warning was that of Marriot's WiFi-blocking efforts. FCC officially released what is called an "FCC Enforcement Advisory" that says jamming other people's WiFi hotspots is not acceptable. This practice must be stopped immediately.

Hotspot-jamming is a disturbing trend according to the FCC. So whether you are a hotel, company, or an individual, you have no right to block or jam the hotspot of other people. FCC further said that it will work on "aggressively investigating and acting against" the practice. Those caught jamming the WiFi of others will face "enforcement action" because they are in violation of the Section 333 of the Communications Act.

FCC investigated Marriott International back in 2014 and found out that the hotel blocked the WiFi hotspots of the patrons. Because of this, Marriott was fined a hefty sum of $600,000 USD. After this investigation, FCC received similar complaints from individuals who said that some commercial groups are doing the same thing. FCC is already doing investigations on those cases.

The commission reiterated that "intentional blocking or disruption of personal hotspots" is prohibited. If you're a business owner, don't block people's hotspots intentionally. Be gracious enough to let them access mobile Internet on their own.

VIA: SlashGear