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CM12 won’t use SuperSU, functions relegated to Privacy Guard

If you are the type of Android user who usually roots their phones, you will know the drill. After root access is gained, you need an app like Chainfire’s SuperSU to manage root access for different apps. But when CyanogenMod 12 – or simply CM12 for you fans out there – arrives, there won’t be any need for SuperSU.

Controlling superuser permissions has always been one of the strengths of the CM ROMs, but we’ve learned that CM12 will bring those functions the Privacy Guard settings app. All this does is make the decisions on which apps should be allowed to have root access that much easier.

Evidence of this move is found in one of the commits for the CM12 build. Those on CM12 nightlies should see this feature pretty soon. But if you want the stable and official CM12 version, that hasn’t been launched yet, and there has been little news as to when it will be launched. So if you’re waiting, you will need to hold on to SuperSU for a bit longer.


Gaining root access usually voids your warranty, so we ask you to think about what you’re doing if you have no experience in doing the process yet. There are advantages and disadvantages to gaining root, so be sure to read up first before you take the plunge.

VIA: Reddit