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Activite Pop is an affordable health watch to track activities

If you don't feel the need to own one of the new (or older) smartwatches currently available in the market but would like to track your health-related activities, your best bet would be a health watch. One of the more trustworthy brands out there is Withings' Activite. But if the $450 price tag is a bit steep for you, they've recently announced a more affordable line of health watches called Activite Pop.

At first look, it looks like any other stylish but simple analog watch but do not be fooled. Just like the original Activite, it will measure what you've been able to achieve for your activity goals, and it will show in the smaller dial on your watchface. It will also monitor your sleep patterns and if you need to not sleep anymore, you can set up the alarm and it will vibrate to wake you up. You don't even need to charge your wearable as it runs on a standard watch battery that can last up to 8 months.

Activite Pop comes in three colors: Azure, Shark Grey, and Sand. It doesn't look cheap at all and even looks a bit stylish, especially compared to the chunkier and heavier health watches out there. Withings was able to make production cost cheaper (and therefore retail price lower) by using silicone for the strap and applying PVD coating to the watchface. And since this is something which may occasionally come in touch with water and sweat, it has 30 meters of water resistance.

The health watch is expected to hit online and retail stores, specifically Best Buy, by March. The Activite Pop is priced at $150, which Withings expects to bring in more customers who do not feel like shelling out $450 for the regular Activite. If you want to be the one of the earliest to have these, will reportedly be offering limited quantities for sale by January 5.

VIA: SlashGear