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Tribal Wars 2 arrives on Android, multi-platform strategy game

After being announced in January 2014, Tribal Wars 2 finally arrives on Android as a multi-device, cross platform strategy gaming app. With the landslide success of “Clash of Clans” a lot more developers are willing to develop cross-platform games, and InnoGames is betting on Tribal Wars 2 to be an exciting Android gaming prospect.

The plot is not uncommon – the strategy game is set in a medieval universe, where you have soldiers, knights, generals and leaders who have to make political decisions. You yourself will be playing as a ruler of a castle in a territory rife with conflict, and you must defend and expand your territory.


The app will be free-to-play, and it can be played on multiple devices such as smartphones, phablets, and tablets. It is cross platform in that it is also available for iOS devices and players play against others in a massively online world regardless of platform. Players can even play from a browser!

The game is a follow-up to InnoGames’ relatively successful browser game – Tribal Wars – which has, as of last count, 55 million registered players. The Hamburg-based company is hoping that this sequel will give them the same amount of success as the predecessor.

DOWNLOAD: Google Play Store

VIA: Gamasutra