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Todoist adds productivity to your wrist via Android Wear

Among the many justifications for Android Wear and smartwatches, getting prompted about your appointments and due tasks rank high, next to a call or message notification. Popular todo list app Todoist, which has been included in Google's 2014 Top Apps, is taking that goal to heart. The latest update to the app brings support for Android Wear, but the integration with your smartwatch does more than just tell you when you're task is due.

Of course, notifications will be where Todoist's Android Wear support will get used the most. But with the service's wide array of notification options, which include location-aware reminders, those notifications become even more meaningful. Walking by the supermarket? Todoist will make your smartwatch vibrate to remind you to buy eggs. As with any Android Wear app, Todoist interaction, in particular providing text input, happens through voice commands. Just say the magic phrase "OK Google, start Todoist, add task" and you're well on your way to productivity heaven.

One interesting and admittedly quite ingenious feature is sending lists to your Android Wear smartwatch. From your smartphone or tablet, simply pick any Todoist view and send the whole list to your smartwatch. That todo list will appear in the same correct order on your wrist, making it easy to flick through items without having to dig out your phone. Perfect for hands free shopping!

This is what Todoist lead Android developer Gonçalo Silva has to say about the new features:

“Wearables are revolutionizing the way people use technology. Being at the forefront of this revolution means you completely understand the platform and optimize extensively for it– this is exactly what we've done with Todoist. Gorgeous, glanceable information with very low interaction, right on your wrist. So much power in such a small form factor. We love it!”

Todoist Android Wear support should be starting to roll out to users but don't sweat it if it doesn't immediately reach your phone or your smartwatch. Of course, you will need an Android Wear device to take advantage of these new features, but that really isn't a requirement to enjoy the productivity benefits that Todoist has to offer.