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Preview of Android Lollipop on Galaxy S4 GPE leaked

As some of us still await the arrival of the Android Lollipop 5.0 update, we have to rely on leaked previews to see what it will look like on our gadgets. Google Play Editions are usually next to the Nexus devices to be updated, but since there's still no definite schedule yet, preview builds are our only peek at how our gadgets will change once we receive the preview.

This time around, the guys from SAM Mobile showed us the beta build on the Samsung Galaxy S4 Google Play Edition. It was confirmed last month that the device, despite being last year's flagship and replaced this year with the Galaxy S5, would still be officially upgraded to Lollipop. This is due to the fact that it still falls into the 18-month update assurance that Samsung applies to its high-end smartphones.

There are no real surprises to the beta build for the Galaxy S4, with the same changes that we've seen in Samsung devices being applied here, particularly the Material Design UI. The L-type notifications on lock screens as well as the dark to light look on the menus can also be seen in the screenshots. The whole Samsung system will also be changing its fonts, making it slimmer and more apt for the Material Design.

The Galaxy S4 GPE shown on the preview is already reportedly running on a stable build, so more or less, what you see in the video is close to the final build. However, there is still no final date as to when they will be rolling out the updates to the Google Play Editions.

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VIA: SAM Mobile