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Peter Molyneux’s Godus now on Android, all you mortals despair

Peter Molyneux, one of the preeminent British game designers of our day, has received a lot of deserved recognition for another one of his “play god” games – this most recent called “Godus”. The game has spent a lot of time on Steam and iOS, but now it’s finally out on Android.

The genre is easy enough to learn, Godus allows you to become a creator – you can build and build, or you can destroy. You can control islands, make them either rise or fall. Essentially, you can become the deity of your own little universe. How you are as a creator will dictate how many followers you will have. If you are a likable creator deity, pretty soon you will have lots of mortals following you.


Reviews for the game have been on the warm side, although there are some who are just not into it. We say it’s definitely worth a try – give it a spin and see how you are as a creator. If you’re having a particularly bad day, this is your chance to hurl meteors at people just because you can.


The app is free to download, with in-app purchases. Give it a try and tell us what you think about it. Who knows, you might be better at this than your day job. Check out the source link via Google Play Store.

SOURCE: Google Play Store