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Petalite Flux with 2600mAh battery recharges itself in 15 minutes

There are lots of portable charging systems on the market today to help you keep your smartphones and other Android devices topped off and full of power. The catch is that it can take hours to charge some of the portable battery packs before they are of any use to you on the go. A new portable charging system called the Petalite Flux has surfaced and it promise to be blazing fast.

The Petalite Flux needs only 15 minutes on the dock to charge itself completely. Once it is charged completely it has enough juice inside to charge a smartphone with a 2600mAh battery inside to 100% capacity. To charge the Petalite Flux in only 15 minutes, you do have to have its special power dock with you.

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It can be charged from a normal USB port or wall adapter, but that will take two hours. The device ships with a micro USB adapter that is perfect for most Android devices and an Apple Lightning connector. The USB port only provides 1A, so it won't charge tablets needing more amps.

Inside the small Petalite Flux device is a lithium iron phosphate battery, this is the secret to the fast charging capability. The project is on Indiegogo now seeking $30,000 in funding and has raised a bit more than its goal with 24 days to go. A Petalite Starter Kit will set you back $68 with shipping in June 2015.

SOURCE: Indiegogo