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Motorola lists Nexus 6 again, will start shipping on January 6

Google once warned us of possible problems with the Nexus update. The phone was launched last November but potential buyers are having a hard time getting one. That's despite the announcement before that it would expand to 12 more countries and that Google would be replenishing stocks every Wednesday. Even mobile carriers were not able to keep their promises. It was listed for pre-order but soon went out of stock.

T-Mobile's version was set to arrive in November but it was also delayed at least for a week. They say supplies are limited so maybe that's why you are having a hard time getting a Nexus 6. But don't you worry now, Motorola has finally brought back the Nexus 6 online and listed the smartphone on its website.

The Google Nexus 6 is currently listed will all colors and variants. No, it's nothing like the Moto X when it comes to customizations but at least we have two options: two colors and two memory options. Phone is still a bit pricey at $650 but Motorola will ship it to your doorstep for free.

Motorola will start shipping the Nexus 6 on January after the craziness of the holidays. You can place your order for one now and wait for the New Year to get your hands on the Nexus 6 finally (hopefully!).

VIA: SlashGear

SOURCE: Motorola