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Intel Easy Migration app lets you back up files on the cloud

If you've received or bought a new Chromebook for Christmas, chances are the first think you're thinking about is the painstaking process of transferring files from your smartphone, tablet or PC into your new toy. Intel is trying to make the migration a little bit easier by introducing an app that will help you bring your files into the cloud, thus making it more accessible. They believe this is the perfect time to use the Easy Migration app.

No, the app will not automatically transfer your files from your device into the Chromebook. What it does is upload it into the various cloud-based services of Google, so that you will be able to access them when you finally use your new Intel-powered Chromebook. For example, if you haven't done this yet, all your local contacts on your mobile device, will be backed up to Google Contacts. You can also select (or if you're too lazy, just choose all) your pictures and videos to Google+ Photos. The other file types can be uploaded to your Google Drive.

Other things that the app can do is to pause and resume the migration process when it suits you, and to view how much space you still have in your Google Drive. If you're worried whether the process will affect your files and data on your smartphone or PC, Intel assures you that it won't since this is just a one-time process. Privacy concerns are also addressed as they promise that the default settings for all your content is private and won't be seen by anyone else.

The process is not fool proof, as it cannot do some things like back-up your music to Google Play Music (the music files will just be on your Google Drive) or use other web services apart from Google, like Microsoft's OneDrive to edit your Office documents. And of course, the Chromebook needs to be Intel-powered and you can check if it is by installing a Chrome extension. But if you want to try it out despite that, you can download the Easy Migration app from the Google Play Store for free.

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