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Facebook Trending now on mobile, with more resources

For market researchers, social media community managers and people who are just curious what people on the Internet are talking about, Facebook's Trending feature was heaven-sent when they started it back in January. The latest update now brings this to your mobile devices and there are even more ways to read and analyze the topics you want to explore, with more resources available at the swipe of your smartphone or tablet.

There are now five sections for each trending topic that you'll click on. One stream, called "Articles" is to show you articles from media organizations and how they are bringing the story to the rest of the world. The "In the Story" section will bring you the point of view of people who are actually part of the story, like if it's about a political personality or a celebrity. If you want to look at stories from people you know, you can head to the "Friends and Groups" stream so you'll see what they're saying about the trending topic. "Near the Scene" is all about those who are posting and talking about the topic and are near in that area where it is happening. Lastly, "Live Feed" is a real-time ticker that shows you what people all over the world are saying about it.

The timeliness, engagement and other algorithims determine which post or stories will show up in the different sections. As for your own posts, they will only show up if you use the Public settings or if you are in the audience for said post (friends' or groups updates).

The Trending update will start rolling out for Android devices and web users as well. However, for now, it is just limited to the US, but hopefully, this will also roll out to other countries and regions.

SOURCE: Facebook