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Air Control 2 now available for Android devices

One of the more unheralded heroes of the aviation industry (well, at least in the public's eye) are air traffic controllers. You hear of kids saying that one day they would like to be pilots or flight attendants, but you rarely hear them say that its is their dream to be air traffic controllers. But now you get to experience being one through an Android game and see how difficult but exciting their job could be.

Air Control 2 is the sequel to the game of the same name and simply put, you get to direct the incoming and outgoing planes on the runways and avoid any kind of incident. You think that would be too uncomplicated and boring. But the game actually is "surprisingly addictive". If you're an aviation nut, you would also enjoy seeing all the different kinds of planes and choppers that will try to land and take off, including zeppelin airships and also the world's fastest plane, the SR-71 Black Bird.

You also get to direct air traffic in different locations around the world, from hot desserts to freezing mountains, experiencing what actual controllers feel during the different seasons they have to work in. And on the occasion that the plane hits a radio jam, you will need to get out of that situation alive (the plane and passengers too!).

The game also has multiplayer coop maps so you can play the game with a friend while using the same tablet. You can get Air Control 2 free from the Google Play Store, but with in-app purchases available.

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